for Raised Bed Gardens

A great option for raising vegetables, providing an optimal environment for growth.


All You Need to Know...

to grow a successful raised bed garden.

Raised Bed Advantages...

improved soil conditions ease of maintenance better pest control accessible gardening longer growing season improved yield space efficiency prevent soil erosion aesthetically pleasing

and Disadvantages...

initial set-up cost and effort watering needs soil compaction limited growing space microclimate differences pest and disease vulnerability

Selecting Vegetables

Most vegetables work well in raised bed gardens. Tomato plants, for instance, are an excellent choice. And Swiss chard is a perfect addition to any bed garden.

Choose  Your Materials

When choosing materials for your raised vegetable garden beds, it’s essential to consider durability, safety, and aesthetics.

Choose Your Raised Bed Type

in-ground raised bed, supported raised beds, container raised beds, elevated raised beds, and more.

All this and more information, tips and tricks for raised bed gardening.

creative living and  delicious eating