3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Dog Treats are easy to make with items you most likely have in your kitchen.

Tail Wagging Delicious!

Curved Arrow


Oatmeal  Peanut butter Soft fruit or  vegetables

Prepare the Oven and Pan

Preheat your oven to 250 and  get out your favorite cookie sheet. Gather your ingredients and get started!

Process the Oats and Grains

If using whole grains, grind them down so they are easy to cut and roll.

Roll and CUt

Use flour to roll the dough and cut it out with a cookie cutter of your choice.

Bake and COol

Bake for 2 hours until dry and crispy. Let them cool before you give one to the puppy!

These treats can be stored at room temperature and  sit out at room temperature for a month.

More Dog Treats


Homemade Pumpkin Dog Treats


Cheddar Cheese Dog Treats


Sweet Potato Dog Chews

for your pup

creative living and  delicious eating