Dill Pickles


An easy and flavorful refrigerator dill pickle recipe for small batch or large.


Pickling cucumbers, sliced, spears or whole Sprigs of dill Garlic, sliced Mustard seed Pickle brine Pickle Brine: Cold water Apple cider vinegar Pickling salt

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White Frame Corner

If you want to make one jar of refrigerator pickles or five, this is the perfect refrigerator pickle recipe.

The trick: keep a jar of brine in the refrigerator for large or small-batch pickles and quickly can your cukes as they are harvested.

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As you figure out your ingredient measurements for the brine, this chart might come in handy.

"Refrigerator pickles only, no heated pickles in this house."

Choose the  Best Cucumbers

Kirby cucumbers have a thicker skin that can stand up to pickling brine and remain good, crisp, and crunchy after they have  been preserved.

Maximize your cucumber harvest by planting some of these great cucumber companion plants with them. Or, pop over here for all our gardening tips.

MorE Pickling Recipes

Canning Jalapenos

Pickled Blueberries

Spiced Pickled Cranberries

creative living and  delicious eating