DIY Spring Decor Ideas For Your Home

"Bursts of green growth to decorate both inside and out the house."

A Change of Color

I brought this planter home and gave it a light wash in a grayish black to work with the rest of the planters on my front porch.

Planting Containers

I found a cute little English Daisy at Lowe’s and sprinkled the dirt with Kentucky Fescue seeds, and another with spouted tulip bulbs, and more seeds.

2 Weeks Later...

I put both pots inside, under grow lights and after 2 weeks, they look like this.

And because the ‘grow thing’s bug bit me hard that day...

I also planted sprinkled some grass seeds over some dirt in one of my grandmother’s teacups.

Wrapped in moss...

I found this 24″ plastic rectangular planter that would fit perfectly in the planter and would also be the perfect size 3 gerber daisy plants.

Little bunny...

This ceramic bunny has worn many cloaks. The first step, painting her copper, made her look like a big chocolate Easter bunny!

And just look at her now!

It was actually a fun process to watch the transformation from silver to verdigris.

What will you grow this Spring?

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