Santa's Sweet Shoppe Bakery


A Gingerbread Man and Candy Cane

I can’t even begin to describe to you how much I love this little painted window-- You will too!

Curved Arrow

Over the Dessert Buffet Perhaps?

Sounds perfectly logical to me. I love to highlight the dessert table, don't you?

Find a Great Window

Half the fun is in finding the window and getting it all cleaned up and ready.

To paint your window, tape your design in place on the front of your window. Once it’s in place, turn the window over.

Plan and Paint!

Curved Arrow

Ready to Paint

The following image shows the window flipped over. The paper with the design is underneath the glass.

I thought I was pretty much finished decorating for Christmas but then I got a little idea in my head.

Full Supply List Included

DIY decor is always the best! What will you make this year?

creative living and  delicious eating


 Merry Christmas!