Have all your materials handy. See notes for how much concrete and water to use for different sizes of globes.
If you will be stirring by hand, add half of the powdered concrete to the tub or bucket, then add about three-quarters of the water.
When that is fully mixed, add the remaining concrete powder. If you have a concrete mixing paddle, you can add all the powder and three-quarters of the water and mix until combined.
Stir until no dry mix is left. Add water in very small quantities until it just reaches a consistency where it is thick but a little glossy on the surface. You will see the 'sandy' texture when you stir, but when you stop stirring, it will quickly settle back to a smooth surface. You are looking for a thick pudding or oatmeal consistency. Adding too little water is better than adding too much water.
This concrete sets quickly once mixed, so work fast.
Spray the inside of your globe with baking release spray or WD40.
Set it with the opening facing up and pour the concrete into the globe until it fills the entire globe.
Leave the globe somewhere where it can sit undisturbed. Rapid Set will set in 1 hour, but since this is so thick, it will take longer for it to be fully set. I waited about 18 hours.
After 12 - 24 hours, place your globe filled with concrete on a drop cloth. Wearing protective eyewear and gloves, tap the globe until the glass breaks and falls away.