Golden Plum Jam

spiced with cardamom, cinnamon & ginger


Homemade Preserves

Perfect plum jam recipe for canning, morning toast or biscuit


Golden Plums

Granulated Sugar

Fresh Lime Juice


Cardamom pods

Cinnamon Sticks

While plums are technically a ‘summer’ fruit, the addition of the warm spices of cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger in this golden plum jam recipe make it more of a fall preserve, perfect for your toast or biscuit with your cup of coffee or tea on  a cool-ish morning.

Easy Steps...

wash, pit, and core plums

Put plums and sugar in a wide, 6-8 quart preserving pan or stainless steel saucepan. Simmer for 5 minutes. Then strain.

Follow the rest of the steps for making this delectable jam on the full blog post. And be sure to check out my Jam Making Basics.

Spoon your preserves into hot sterilized half pint jars...

Follow my canning tips on the blog post!

The brightness of both the color and taste of these fruits make especially lovely preserves.

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creative living and  delicious eating