
Cheddar Cheese Crackers

for the Fall

Fall Cheddar Crackers

Bite-size, savory cheddar cheese crackers, cut with mini-leaf cookie cutters for the perfect fall snack.


All-Purpose Flour

Rolled Oats


Cayenne Pepper

Dry Mustard

Unsalted Butter

Extra-Sharp CHeddar Cheese

Ice Cold Water

How to make the crackers

Bite-size, savory cheddar cheese crackers, cut with mini-leaf cookie cutters for the perfect fall snack.

Simple instructions:

Mix the dry ingredients, add the butter, add the cheese, then add the water. Roll the dough and cut the leaves out.

Transfer to baking sheet and bake for 14 minutes. Allow to cool and then store in an air tight container.

Leaf-Shaped Cheddar Crackers

A sprinkle of paprika, smokey or sweet, adds a touch of autumn red to the leaves.

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