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Monday Musings, January 15

And I say to you, I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to humankind’s problems. And I’m going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I’m not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love; I’m talking about a strong, demanding love. For I have seen too much hate. […] and I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love. And the beautiful thing is that we aren’t moving wrong when we do it, because John was right, God is love. He who hates does not know God, but he who loves has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Atlanta, 1967

Happy Monday my friends!

  • We enjoyed a delightful weekend, capped off by a delicious dinner last night with my parents. I made this shortrib recipe, using boneless beef short ribs. I served the short ribs over grits to which I added some grated Gruyere. If you need a soul-warming, rib-sticking, deeply satisfying dinner on a cold January night…this was perfect.
  • Hmmm…this gave me pause.  I find myself becoming more and more reliant on my ‘device’…not that it isn’t handy, but at the same time, I don’t want to let my actions be controlled by complete strangers.

Make it a great week my lovely friends! We’re busy behind the scenes here at N&N central…lots of fun things in the works.  Please send productivity vibes my way.


Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Hi Lynn,

    I needed your post today, thank you. It is so easy to fall into the trap of making others less (you don’t have to be a racist, vile human, you just have to take your eye off of love. When we make it our mission to correct the wrongs of the world, we sometimes need a villain and a victim. When our mission is to love unapologetically, we see people, with all the possibilities that we too have. Your post gave me a chance to regain a bit of humanity by remembering what today is really a celebration of – LOVE.

    1. My dear friend Dolores…

      When I sit down each day to write, I can only hope that I can connect with another soul ‘out there’. You have no idea how much you warmed my heart and soul today…to know that someone needed to hear the same words that I needed to hear and to write.

      That you were moved by this quote, there is no doubt in my mind that you are one of those who has much love to give and gives it willingly.

      Thanks so much, my dear friend, for taking the time out of your busy day to share your kind words. Many wishes for a lovely week.

      Many hugs, Lynn

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