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Monday Musings, January 13

Happy Monday my friends! This is a jam-packed newsletter today! So let’s get right down to it!

First…have you seen the movie 1917? If not…you need to. I am not a lover of war movies, but I have to say, this was a BEAUTIFUL movie that happens to be set during a war.

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So, let’s talk about goals. I find that by putting my goals into writing and having a plan to achieve those goals makes the likelihood of their success much greater.

  • (other than to finish the puzzle that has been sitting on my kitchen table since New Year’s Eve!!! ???)
  • One of my goals to get more exercise…nothing too crazy, just make time to go for a brisk 3 mile walk each morning before my day starts. My mom gave me a FitBit for Christmas which is really quite motivating.
  • Another goal is to be more disciplined with my time. I often end the day wondering what I accomplished, though I was ‘busy’ all day. Once again, by writing down what I want to accomplish each day in my planner I hope to be more disciplined, focused and productive. I just bought a Plum Planner which I love because I can customize it to my needs.
  • The other goals are house related…one is to get rid of the clutter that we accumulated from moving to a smaller home that still had many of my parents’ possessions in it. We are ‘this‘ close to being able to get our second car in the garage. The Decluttering Challenge is just what I needed to get it done.
  • Finally, I want to really get moved in. Six months after our move, we still have pictures that aren’t hung and rooms that haven’t been ‘put together’. I need to figure out what I want some of these rooms to look like.

So, what are your goals for 2020? Keep yourself accountable by sharing them here or writing them somewhere.

Speaking of Decluttering, we started the Decluttering Challenge this past Friday! Did you join? If so, how’s it going? For those of you who haven’t joined yet, I am sending out a weekly checklist and tips/suggestions focused on certain areas of our homes, this past week was bedrooms and bathrooms. In my mind, the checklists almost create a Declutter Scavenger Hunt, which makes the whole process seem much more fun! You can join anytime and receive those weekly checklists for the next 6 weeks. Click the button below to jump in on the fun!

If you are anything like me since forever you have been dating checks and other legal documents like this ‘1/13/20′. Well…this year we all need to stop that IMMEDIATELY. Numbers could easily be added to the end of the ’20’, effectively changing the year. UGH!

Got Terrarium? Sharing my how-tos to make and maintain a covered terrarium. Let’s just say I am hooked! It’s a great way to get some dirt under your nails and revel in the satisfaction of nurturing something green when you can’t do it outside.

Banish the winter doldrums with this bright and sunny Navel Orange Marmalade!

If you did any online shopping over the holidays, those retailers now have your email address and are popping in frequently with ads. Spend a little time today unsubscribing from all those retailers whose promotions you really aren’t that interested in.

Speaking of decluttering, as you clear your clutter it is always helpful to have places in mind that donate your discards. It always makes it easier for me to know that what I may not need or want could be greatly appreciated somewhere else. If you find yourself shedding suitcases, duffel bags or the like during your declutter, reach out to your local Social Services or Foster Care organization to see if they could use them. Often times, foster children don’t have suitcases for their possessions if they have to move. For more places to take your discards, check out this post

Holy Cow…if you made it to the end of this post, pat yourself on the back! I told you it was jam-packed!

Look for a new knit pattern and a yummy Winter Fig salad coming soon! Plus, look for the Kitchen and Laundry Room Declutter Checklist and tips coming this Friday!

Happy Day my friends,


Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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