Office Declutter Checklist and Suggestions
We are tackling the office and craft room for week four of the Declutter Challenge. This week’s office declutter checklist includes twenty-seven items commonly found in offices and crafts rooms that you can most likely discard and won’t miss! At the end of seven weeks, you will have checklists of more than 150 items you can toss! In fact, through Week Four, our lists include over one hundred and ten items! Think of it as a Decluttering Scavenger Hunt! Print off your Office Declutter Checklist, and let’s get busy.

Table of Contents
If you are new to this Declutter Challenge and want to, as Maria (soon to be Von Trapp) suggests, start at the very beginning, pop over to week 1, where we dive into our bedrooms and bathrooms.
If you haven’t joined the 2025 Declutter Challenge yet, you can do that here. Once you join, you will receive:
- Weekly emails with a declutter-your-home checklist for specific areas of the home. With these checklists, I feel I am on a Decluttering Scavenger Hunt, which makes the whole process a little more enjoyable!
- Additional tips, suggestions, and resources for your successful decluttering
It bears repeating; check out these 10 questions to ask yourself when deciding what to keep or what to discard.
Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.
On to our Craft Room and Office Declutter
O.K. I feel a bit like an Airline Pilot, but if your office or craft room is anything like mine, then it’s only a fair warning to say, “Buckle your seatbelts, my friends; this may get bumpy!”
Just the nature of these two rooms is that they are actual, real-life clutter magnets! All the papers coming into offices have a hard time coming back out, and offices have all sorts of ‘tools’ like pencils, pens, paperclips, and yada yada yada.
And then there is ‘the craft room’ (cue the eerie, creaky door sound)…every craft comes with its tools, equipment, and supplies! So if you have multiple interests, then BAM, you just accumulated multiple sets of STUFF!
Trust me, I know!
All this to say, we will be working hard this next week, so pull up your big girl pants, grab your Office Declutter Checklist, and let’s get busy. The good news is we won’t have difficulty finding things to declutter!
Office Declutter
Let’s start with easy things to declutter in the office.
Pens, Pencils, Binder Clips, and Glue are the First to Get Examined in the Office Declutter
Trash all the very short pencils, especially the ones without erasers. Grab a sheet of scrap paper, take every pen, and scribble on the sheet…if it is dry, then toss it. If it’s a Sharpie and you feel like trying to rehabilitate it, soak the nib in rubbing alcohol, then put the top back on. After an hour, give it another try. If it is still dry, then it goes out.
If you have a bunch of markers in good shape but don’t use them, consider donating to your church, Boys & Girls Club, or your local senior center. My dad’s memory care unit is always looking for art supplies! Pop over here for a more exhaustive list of where to donate or recycle your discards.
For glue, if it is dried up, toss it.
And how many binder clips does one family need? In our case, we decided that 37 was 30 too many!
Extra/Excess Mailing Envelopes, Cardboard Boxes, and Bubble Wrap
OK, since we are friends, I need to tell you something about myself… I have a weakness for perfectly good mailing envelopes, boxes, and bubble wrap, and I plan NEVER to buy these items…EVER! Which is good and all, but…I need to keep tabs on my stash and weed it from time to time…like now.
I’ll keep a few envelopes, boxes, and a little bubble wrap and recycle the rest.
Christmas cards, cards, and invitations
If you’ve been holding onto Christmas cards to update your address book, now’s the time to do it. Do you still have party invitations for last year’s parties? What about the birthday cards sent two years ago? These are easy things to declutter!
O.K., my friends, here’s where it starts to get tough. Go through your paper files…what can be trashed?
Check out this article from FINRA concerning how long to keep financial records.
For many of these documents, consider scanning them and storing them on your computer to reduce the paper clutter.
Along the same lines, all those manuals you hold on to are most likely available online. At one time, I trashed the hard copies and downloaded the online version only to realize that downloading them filled my hard drive and was unnecessary as I could access them online when needed. I think you’ll be hard-pressed not to be able to find every manual you need online.
Bills that have been paid and the checks have cleared can go.
Do you have binders of stuff you’ve been saving ‘just in case’? Go ahead and scan that stuff if you want to keep it. Just make sure to set it up in a file on your computer that makes sense.
And how many binders do you have? How many do you need? What about file folders, dividers, and the like? Once again, examine these when looking for things to declutter from your office.
For scanning, I use both my All-In-One Printer and my ScanSnap, and I really put them both to good use. I try to scan just about everything that I feel I need to hold onto…say, like that receipt from paying the tolls on the WV Tollroad when I didn’t have ANY money, so I had to pay by mail! After 6 months, I was comfortable finally deleting it!
If you have a stack of business cards, scan them or put the info right into your address book, digital or paper.
Do you hold on to last year’s calendars or planners? How long do you think you need to keep those?
Phone books…buh bye!
Do you have phone cords for phones you no longer own? Can you identify all the cords you have in your office?
For the cords you need, consider labeling them so you know what they are for. I share some cord management suggestions in this post, but I find a label maker handy for organizing.
Recycle the ones you don’t need or don’t know what they are for (all the more reason to label them). Best Buy will accept cords for recycling.
Are any other machines lying about that you don’t use? Sell, donate, or recycle them.
Craft Room
There is no avoiding it, friends; we must tackle the craft room using our Declutter Checklist! And I am adopting a ‘take no prisoners’ approach here, so be prepared.
Do you have supplies for projects that were purchased with the best of intentions, but if, after taking truth serum, you admit that you will probably never tackle them? Once again, Boys & Girls Clubs, Schools, Senior Centers, Memory Care Centers, etc.. will gladly accept them.
I took mountains of yarn to our local Senior Center as they knit beanies for newborns at the hospital, but before I took this yarn over, I made sure I saved a few balls of 100% wool yarn to make dryer balls! Not only will you save money by not having to purchase these, but you will also help the environment.
Lastly, after I had chosen the balls of yarn I wanted to keep, some were very yellowed and dingy…so check out this post to see how I washed my yellowed and dingy yarn.
Stickers, Stamps, and Markers
If you don’t use them, those places I just listed above will be thrilled to have them.
Scraps Of …Whatever
I am a world-class scrap accumulator! Be it yarn, paper, or fabric! After years of those perfectly good scraps cluttering up my space, I’ve decided they need to hit the road.
Dried Paint and Markers are Easy to Declutter
If they can’t be resuscitated, then they need to go.
How many vases from floral deliveries do you REALLY need?
Dried Flowers
Look hard and long…you love them?
What have I overlooked? What needs to be added to the office declutter checklist?
I’d love your input. I plan to add to the lists to make them even more comprehensive, and I greatly appreciate your input.
So, armed with this motivation, grab your Craft Room/ Office Declutter Checklist and let the Decluttering Scavenger hunt begin!
Pop back in with your successes or challenges! How many items were you able to check off of your list?
The 2025 Decluttering Challenge
- With a handy decluttering checklist, we kick off this decluttering odyssey in our bedrooms and bathrooms.
- During week 2, we tackle the kitchen and laundry room with a checklist to help you locate items that may need to be ‘re-housed’.
- Week 3 has us tackling the den and linen closet clutter with another handy checklist for items in those rooms.
- We go head first into our office and craft rooms during week 4.
- Did you know that your PCs and mobile devices get just as cluttered? Let’s deal with the clutter on those devices this week.
- During week 6, we tackle our garages and attics with a decluttering checklist aimed at those areas.
- We are dealing with mental clutter during week 7.
To refer back to this Craft Room and Office Declutter Checklist and related tips in the future, bookmark this page or pin the following image.
Thanks so much for joining me today! It’s good to have company when undertaking such a challenge!
Thanks so much for spending a few minutes of your busy day with me!
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Until next time…
Am I the only one who has craft book and magazines out the nose? They are in the craft room aka sewing room. Honestly, I really don’t think I will ever make all the projects in all those books and magazines! So I’m thinking about tearing out any patterns that are still on my “I really want to make this” list and using a binder to store it in. As far as the books go; well, I guess donate them unless there are a lot of patterns I want to keep in them (usually only one or two). That will take 3 or 4 boxes out of my room! I saw some really good things on these lists and it jogs the old memory about what I may have too much of. Thank you!
Hi Sheila,
Great idea to tear out the patterns and either store them in a binder or scan them and keep them on your computer. Either way, you’ve reduced the number of things in your craft room.
It sounds like you are off to a great start my friend.
Keep up the good work.
I have donated used clean vases to churches, wedding reception venues and back to the local florist. I was just happy to get rid of them .
And they were glad to have them!
After getting ruthless, I decided that clear sweater- and shoe-boxes are my best friends! If I have a bunch of, say, ribbon, or flannel scraps, etc., they can go in a sweater box – I can see what’s in it, and they stack nicely on my wall of floor-to-ceiling shelving. The shoe boxes I use more for individual projects – a specific pattern, needle- or yarn-work, dried-flower thing, etc. But a project either in concept phase that I intend to do, or partially-complete can go into a shoebox, and when time/mobility allows, I can simply retrieve that box and pick it back up. It took some doing, but having all the colored pencils/coloring books together, all the embroidery floss/AIDA fabric/cross stitch patterns together, etc., has really helped. I have quite a ways to go, but organized boxes of “inventory” is very soothing!!! ~Chrissie
Hi Chrissie,
That’s a brilliant organizational system! I’m a believer in not hiding stuff, so those clear boxes are perfect. And grouping projects together is another great idea that I I have done a little of, but need to do more. Thanks for sharing what is working for you, it will help other folks as well.
Hugs, Lynn