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Sourdough Discard Tortillas Recipe

If you love the tangy flavor of sourdough and are looking for a creative way to use up your sourdough starter discard, these homemade sourdough discard tortillas are the perfect solution. Not only do they help minimize kitchen waste, but they also add a unique twist to traditional tortillas with their subtle sourdough taste.

With just a few simple ingredients and a little planning, you can enjoy fresh, flavorful tortillas that elevate any meal, from tacos to wraps and everything in between.

How to Use Your Sourdough Tortillas

You can make these sourdough discard tortillas any size you want! As written, this recipe makes 10 – 8″ tortillas.

Street Tacos

For soft street tacos, make your tortillas 4-5″ in diameter

Soft Tacos

For soft tacos, use tortillas that are 7.5 – 8.5″

Quesadillas and Wraps

10″ tortillas are typically used for quesadillas.


Burritos and Wraps

10 – 12″ tortillas are best for burritos and wraps.


For fajitas, use tortillas that are 5.5 – 6.5″ diameter.

Ingredients for Sourdough Discard Tortillas

Ingredients for Sourdough Discard Tortillas.

Sourdough Starter Discard: While you can use a fresh sourdough starter, the beauty of this easy sourdough tortilla recipe is that it uses up the discard created each time we feed our starter. The best time to use the discard for this recipe is three to five days after feeding the starter. It gives a nice sour flavor without being too strong.

All-Purpose Flour: I probably wouldn’t substitute whole wheat flour for all of the all-purpose as it would make them fairly dense. If you want to add some whole wheat, start with half whole wheat and half all-purpose, and add a few tablespoons of water as needed. Overall, though, all-purpose would yield the best result. 

Butter: You can swap out lard for the butter.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Make Sourdough Tortillas

stack of sourdough discard tortillas.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sourdough Discard Tortillas

Do I need a tortilla press to make sourdough flour tortillas?

While a tortilla press can help achieve even, thin tortillas, it is unnecessary. You can also use a rolling pin to roll out the dough on a well-floured surface.

Why do my tortillas puff up when cooking?

Puffing up is a good sign! It means the tortillas are cooking properly, creating steam inside that helps cook the dough evenly, resulting in a soft and fluffy texture.

How do I store leftover sourdough discard tortillas?

Leftover tortillas can be stored in an airtight container or a plastic bag at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week or frozen for up to 3 months. I stored them in a bag in the fridge; then, I could pop one out whenever I needed one and heat it up. If stored in the fridge, I would eat them within 2-3 days because they can get dry past that. 

Can I reheat the tortillas, and what’s the best way to do it?

Yes, you can reheat tortillas. The best way is to heat them in a dry skillet over medium heat for 30 seconds on each side. You can also wrap them in a damp paper towel and microwave them for 15–20 seconds.

Can I use a cast iron skillet instead of a stainless steel skillet?

I used stainless steel because it doesn’t smoke as quickly as cast iron when making multiple tortillas. You could use either, and it should work great. 

What should I do if my tortillas are too thick or too thin?

If your tortillas are too thick, try rolling them out thinner or use a tortilla press for more even results. If they are too thin and tear easily, add a bit more flour to your dough and roll them out slightly thicker.

Why are my sourdough discard tortillas dry or crumbly?

Dry or crumbly tortillas can result from overcooking or not using enough water or fat in the dough. Ensure you cook them for just one to two minutes per side and adjust the dough consistency if needed.

Sourdough Discard Tortillas in a towel.

Tips for Success!

  • Measure Ingredients Accurately!
  • Softened Butter: Ensure the butter is properly softened at room temperature to blend seamlessly with the other ingredients. The butter won’t incorporate well into the dough if it’s too cold.
  • Gradual Flour Addition: Add the flour gradually, about ½ cup at a time. This helps ensure the dough doesn’t become too dry or too sticky. Adjust the amount of flour as needed to achieve a slightly stretchy dough.
  • Proper Kneading: Knead the dough thoroughly until it becomes smooth and elastic. This helps develop the gluten, giving the tortillas a better texture.
  • Fermentation Time: Allow the dough to ferment for at least two hours. Let it ferment for up to 4 hours if you prefer a tangier flavor. This stage is crucial for developing the sourdough taste.
  • Divide Dough Evenly: Divide the dough into equal pieces to ensure uniform tortillas. Use a kitchen scale to weigh the dough pieces for precise results.
  • Rolling Thin: Roll out each piece of dough as thin as possible, ideally about ⅛” thick. Thin tortillas cook more evenly and have a better texture.
  • Use a Hot Pan: Ensure your pan is thoroughly heated before adding the tortillas to prevent them from drying out during quick cooking.
  • Monitor Cooking Time: Cook each tortilla for 1–2 minutes on each side. Look for bubbles on the surface and check for browning to determine when to flip them. Overcooking can make the tortillas tough.
  • Oil the Pan: Before cooking each tortilla, add a splash of high-smoke-point oil, such as avocado oil, to the pan. This helps prevent sticking and ensures even browning.
  • Keep Tortillas Warm: Keep cooked tortillas warm by wrapping them in a clean kitchen towel. This prevents them from drying out and helps maintain their flexibility.
  • Adjust Dough Consistency: If the dough is too sticky, add a bit more flour. If it’s too dry, add a little more water. The dough should be soft and pliable but not sticky.
  • Rest the Dough: Allow the dough to rest briefly after kneading and before dividing it into pieces. This helps relax the gluten, making it easier to roll out the tortillas.
Sourdough Discard Tortillas on a wooden paddle.

Sourdough Discard Tortillas

Made with simple ingredients like flour, sourdough discard, butter, and olive oil, these tortillas are soft, flexible, and perfect for tacos, wraps, quesadillas, and more. Whether you use a tortilla press or roll them out by hand, you'll love how easy and versatile these tortillas are, making them a staple in your kitchen.
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Baking Recipes + Tips
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 10 tortillas
Calories 1568 kcal



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour plus up to an extra 1/2 cup for rolling out the dough
  • 1 cup sourdough discard
  • 1/2 cups warm water
  • 1/4 cup butter softened at room temperature
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp salt


  • In a large bowl, whisk together discard, softened butter, water, oil, and salt. Mix until mostly combined.
  • Slowly add the flour ½ cup at a time and thoroughly mix.
  • Knead the dough with your whisk or hands until all ingredients are well combined and the dough is slightly stretchy.
  • Form a ball with the dough and keep it in the bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and let it sit for 2–4 hours depending on your time. The longer it sits in the fermenting stage, the more sour the tortillas will be.
  • Once the fermenting stage is done, divide the dough into ten pieces. Roll out each tortilla on a floured work surface until it is as thin as possible without putting holes in the dough. A thickness of ⅛”, if possible, will yield the best tortilla. Use a tortilla press if you have one for the most even results.
  • Heat a stainless steel pan over medium heat until it is thoroughly heated. Add a splash of avocado oil or another oil with a high smoke point to the pan. Add one tortilla at a time to the pan and cook for 1–2 minutes on each side. The visible side will bubble during the cooking process. To check if one side is cooked, use a spatula to lift the tortilla and check for browning. Add more oil to the pan with every other tortilla while cooking.
  • Before taking the tortilla off the heat, make sure it has browned on both sides and is thoroughly cooked through.


Serving: 2gCalories: 1568kcalCarbohydrates: 239gProtein: 33gFat: 52gSaturated Fat: 30gPolyunsaturated Fat: 3gMonounsaturated Fat: 14gTrans Fat: 2gCholesterol: 122mgSodium: 5280mgPotassium: 289mgFiber: 9gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 1481IUCalcium: 66mgIron: 12mg
Keyword discard, sourdough, tortilla
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stack of sourdough discard tortillas

More Sourdough Recipes

Our step-by-step instructions lead you through creating a high-hydration dough, fermenting it to perfection, and baking it in a cast iron skillet for that irresistible crispy crust and soft interior that is the hallmark of Sourdough Focaccia.

The next two sourdough discard recipes minimize kitchen waste by giving you a great option for your discard. Making sourdough discard pizza dough is really quite simple, and the good news is that it stores well in your fridge! With a base of sharp cheddar cheese and a tangy touch of sourdough discard, this Sourdough Discard Cracker recipe promises a rich and flavorful cracker.

Bookmark this page or pin the following image to refer back to this Sourdough Discard Tortilla recipe in the future.

A stack of sourdough discard tortillas.
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