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Monday Musings, April 27

Does anyone really know what day it is? Does anyone really care?

To be perfectly honest, there is not much exciting going on around here, which is an OK thing. Of course, I’d love for this whole thing to be done…but I’m doing my best to be ever so patient.

I do have both of my fledglings back in my nest now, which is always a good thing! And speaking of fledglings, we have a family of ducks that visit our yard each morning. While the rest of the world shuts down, nature just continues to show up and do her thing.

I am enjoying having my daughter home for many reasons, not the least being she is helping me rearrange some of our rooms that I have been struggling with! That wasn’t on my list, but it should have been because then I could cross it off!

Progress on my table came to a screeching halt last week! I’m in need of a piece of hardware that I can’t seem to locate anywhere, ARGH! I did paint a little last week, which is good, and I’ve started a new crochet project. But I am really anxious to scratch off more items. What about you? Chipping away at your lists?

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I was looking to add to my Canning Book library this weekend and was shocked to find that Amazon is out of stock of most of them! I guess folks are using our global staycation to learn new skills! Do you can? I have been canning for 10+ years now and really do enjoy the process…there is something very satisfying about filling my pantry with jars of jams and stocks that I have made. If you are looking for some very simple recipes to get started with canning, consider making refrigerator dill pickles or a simple blueberry jam. If you’d like to expand your canning horizon a bit, consider making and canning your own stocks and broths.

And while we certainly have more than 15 minutes to dedicate to a task right now, this list of 49 tasks that take 15 minutes or less was very popular this past week.

Cinco de Mayo is next week! And heaven knows, this year more than ever, we all deserve the Very Best Margarita. You have a week to check to make sure you have your ingredients!

Linda used Lily’s Sugar ‘n Cream in Summer to make these hand-knit washcloths that use the double seed stitch. The yarn she used does look summery, doesn’t it?

After watching ‘Unorthodox’ on Netflix, I wanted to learn more so I ordered the book. I am now doing something I never do…I’m switching back and forth between Unorthodox and Little Fire Everywhere! It seems that the Unorthodox series on Netflix was just loosely based on the book…there is much more to the book and it is a fascinating read.

We published a new recipe on the blog last week. If you like a delicious, creamy hummus, you’ll want to check it out.

Well, I am off to paint today!

Stay safe my friends. Until next week…



Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Dear Lynn, if I can call you Lynn.
    I can’t express how much I enjoy your Monday post.

    With everything that’s going on in the world, I look forward to my Monday mornings and your ideas.
    Be safe to you and yours, until next week.

    A dedicated fan.
    Virginia (Ginny) O’Leary

    1. Oh, sweet Ginny!

      Thank you so much! I do love this ‘job’ of mine, but it is all the more enjoyable when I receive comments like yours! Just knowing that there are Ginny’s on the other end of my musings makes my day!

      Stay safe my friend!



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