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Monday Musings, April 6

Happy…well, whatever day it is…they are all rather running together, aren’t they?

So, how are you holding up?

I would imagine that if you are regular readers of Nourish and Nestle, you are a maker and do-er of some sort. And I also believe that makers and do-ers will fare better than most during our forced stay-cation.

Believe me, I am not diminishing the difficulties being felt by everyone, everywhere. But us creatives are known to think outside the box when necessary. And, I have never known a creative to be ‘bored’ or lack a project that they’d love to tackle!

So, I’d love to hear, how are you ‘making do’ with what you have, when maybe you don’t have what you want?

Case in point, we have been ordering our groceries on-line, having them placed in our car curbside. I am so thankful that our grocery store is offering this service and am by no means complaining, but because I do allow them to substitute, I don’t always get what I really want.

I have all the fixings for Chicken Souvlaki and wanted pita bread to serve with it. I guess they were out of pita bread and I received tortillas instead. I can easily use the tortillas, which I may. But then there is that maker side of me whispering in my ear, “Girl, you’ve never made pita bread before…now is a great time to learn!” I’ll let you know how it goes!

When this is all said and done, I want to look back at these 15, 30, however many days of isolation and say, “During my ‘stay at home’, I did all this…!”

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I am adding to my “I did all this…” list, but right now it includes:

  • Make pita bread
  • Make yogurt, without milk since we don’t have any.
  • Finish 2 paintings
  • Make a sofa table
  • Paint a chest that belonged to my dad
  • Create 3 new knit and crochet patterns
  • Create a video for my knitting friends who want to learn to crochet (because many of you have asked!)
  • List some stuff on eBay
  • Go into the woods and ‘harvest’ some ferns since I can’t get to the garden center.
  • Read “Atomic Habits”

So, what is on your, “I did all this…” list? I am an idea sponge and would love to hear yours!

My mom has made this salad dressing recipe for YEARS! It’s my favorite.

Speaking of mom, she asked me to make her one of these knit purses for Mother’s Day.

I am trying to figure out how to get some plants in my yard without going to the garden center. I just ordered a bunch of caladium bulbs from Florida Boys Caladium Farm, a family-owned operation!

This is far and away the pin that is driving the most traffic to Nourish and Nestle over the past 2 weeks! It always cracks me up since it is a pin showing just the clutter we ‘rehomed’!

Finished reading Strangers and Cousins by Leah Hager-Cohen and let me think how to summarize it; it reminded me of a grown-up Pippi Lockstockings story with eccentric characters and multiple plot lines. The author has a lovely way with words and we would all be blessed to have an Aunt Glad in our lives.

I then popped over to read Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips. The novel is set on the Kamchatka peninsula of Russia, of which I knew absolutely nothing. I did spend some time educating myself about Kamchatka and the indigenous people once I started the book. The book is set as many ‘micro-stories’ concerning the lives of the characters as they relate to the disappearance of two young sisters. I’m glad she included a list of characters as it did get confusing at times.

I’ve just started Roseanna. Set in Sweden, it is a police procedure novel concerning the murder of a woman. So far, so good.

What are you reading?

Debie has been busy with these hand-knit washcloths using I Love This Cotton in Stonewash. What a great color! And the yarn is so appropriate because I Love That Washcloth!

Let’s end on this…did you hear about the NY landlord who just flat-out canceled the rent payments for all of his tenants?

Well, I am off to work on my table and start my pita bread.

I hope however you spend your time today, you make it a good day and stay safe.


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Plants for the yard – look up Jackson and Perkins they ship. I’m guessing other companies are offering pick up.

    I agree with you doers will get through this period of isolation with ease. I’ve been living this way for years so for me – nothing has changed. I homeschooled the kids so outside the box is definitely the path I walk. Robert and I use to laugh about the whole socialization thing because our kids never had that issue. One would talk to everyone and the other was just more selective.

    I was the one who ended up having the lack of social skills. LOL…
    Always enjoy stopping by and love that knit purse. If you ever do commission work let me know. Have a great week, I’ll see you on Instagram.

    Thanks for all you do – you make me smile friend…

    1. AW, thanks Carole! I will check out Jackson and Perkins…I always assumed they were just roses!

      I knew we were kindred spirits! But you are much more adventuresome than I am…I am living vicariously through you.

      Stay safe my friend! Where are you now?



  2. Okay. I started cross-stitching Christmas stockings when my son was born. I am finally about to finish his. He’s 20. I made people faster than these stockings. Oh well! This Staycation have me a chance to dig it back out!

  3. Just completing the binding on a double bed quilt for my granddaughter’s birthday. (each grandchild gets a quilt at 14). Have cut out 300 squares to make a raggy quilt from fabric I have had for probably 15 years – this one’s for me!! Knitting a new scarf for one of my girls, an interesting shawl for another, and learning to crochet by making an interesting hat. Have been deep cleaning some areas that don’t ever seem to get attention. Making masks for friends and family from fabrics I have at home. Calling my friends daily to b sure they are well and maintaining.

    1. Hi Marta! You sure are staying busy and productive! How many grandchild quilts have you made? What a lovely gift! And I especially love that you are making a quilt for yourself! We creators often forget to do that!

      As a relatively new croceter as well, I am working on some crochet projects for the blog! Stay tuned!

      Stay safe and healthy my friend!



  4. Lynn, I so enjoy your weekly newsletter, especially at this time of extreme uncertainty. I have been very busy as well! I finished my very first hand quilted quilt, the Jan Kingwell Gypsy Wife that could not be quilted any other way. I finished a knitted baby sweater for my sister’s great-granddaughter due next month. I’m also working on a knitted sweater for myself, a quilted heart wall hanging to hang in my window in support of all of our tireless health care workers and am making face masks. I have read numerous books, made some very good new recipes and baked more in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years! Never a dull moment for me, the word bored is not in my vocabulary!
    Thank you again for being such a ray of sunshine each Monday morning! ♡♡♡ Kitty =^..^=

    1. Hi Kitty!

      You certainly have been busy! It sounds like you are happiest when you are busy! I can completely relate to that and like you, couldn’t even tell you the last time I was bored! I am glad to hear that you are making something for yourself! Too often we forget to do that!

      Stay safe and healthy my friend!



  5. Lynn, how fun was that seeing my washcloths online! I just finished reading, Dutch Girl – Audrey Hepburn and WW II by Robert Matzen. Fascinating read! In the middle of The Horse & His Boy (from Chronicles of Narnia) by C.S. Lewis. It’s Monday, so it’s laundry day for me. I also listed a new design on Etsy entitled Shalom. Thought it would be timely.

    1. Hi Debie! I am so glad you share your washcloths with me so that I could share them with the rest of our reader family. You are the third person recently who has recommended that I Love This Yarn…I think I need to give it a try.

      And thanks for the book recommendations. I usually use our library, but think I’m going to have to start buying books! ARGH!

      Stay safe and busy my friend! I’m going to check out your new Etsy design!



  6. I’m waiting for the recipe for this: “I have all the fixings for Chicken Souvlaki…” Would love to try something new!

    1. Oh Maura, you are so very welcome! I truly love this little ‘job’ of mine, but knowing that there are Mauras on the other end of my ramblings who find them helpful or useful just makes my day.

      I hope you are staying safe and keeping busy!

      Many hugs, Lynn

  7. Hi Lynn and everyone else!! I have been baking for us and neighbors, and knitting a log cabin blanket square by square that I have almost finished. I have also been sewing face masks to donate to a local hospital, reading, and helping take care of my mom who has had some health issues recently (nothing related to the virus thank goodness). Also have been getting to those little sewing projects that sit on the side of my machine and gather dust – fixing a hem, taking in a waistband, etc. Thanks for your newsletters, I can always find something interesting to read about!! Stay safe!

    1. Cathy,

      Wow! Your productivity is putting me to shame! You will leave this ‘staycation’ having accomplished a great deal…that’s my goal. I’m working on it and am going to use you as my role model!

      Be safe my friend! And happy ‘doing’!!!



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