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Monday Musings, April 13

Good Morning Glories!

Are you a ‘silver lining’ person? Without being overly pretentious, I’m pretty good at looking for silver linings.

When Hurricane Florence rolled through 1 1/2 years ago and we were without electricity for days, I embraced throwing out a freezer and refrigerator full of food as a great way to give them a much needed cleaning.

I mean, it wasn’t going to do any good to weep over it…I couldn’t control it and so I might as well look for something good in the process. And this current situation is no different…we can’t control it, so let’s look for positives.

So, let’s talk about ‘Social Distancing’ Silver Linings…

The world continues to be blessed by those with incredible God-given gifts making those talents available to anyone with an internet connection. Did you listen to Andrea Bocelli singing Amazing Grace yesterday? It was haunting and beautiful.

Our empty social calendars have made making the time to reconnect with extended family so doable. My mom is now the only remaining ‘aunt’ for my few cousins and the impetus for the regular Zoom Happy Hours we are enjoying during our ‘staycations.’ Sadly, were it not for our current situation, we would not be taking the time to sit down once a week to chat.

Along the same lines, I had LONG chats with 3 of my out-of-town girlfriends last week. Typically we are all running here and there, so it was nice to just have time to sit and chat.

Our country club hosted an ‘online’ Flower Arranging class last week. Two young, local entrepreneurs; one an event planner and one a flower ‘farmer’, initiated the class as their previously planned events were all canceled. They delivered a bunch of flowers to our home earlier in the day and at 5 p.m. we all gathered in front of our computers to learn about the flowers and get recommendations for arranging them.

Not only am I honing a new skill that I would love to master, but I learned about these two local businesses that I otherwise would not have.

So, what are your ‘Staycation’ Silver Linings?

Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.

If you have some scrap fabric laying about, you could order everything else you need online to make these sachets.

You know you have the time, why not give your cast iron a little love? This post detailing how to rescue rusted (or neglected) cast iron cookware tells you everything you need to know. Four plus years after writing this, my cast iron is still in fantastic shape.

Can we all agree, it’s the little things? I recently discovered a spatula that I LOVE! I mean, if you spend any time with spatulas, you will appreciate that this is one piece, the head can’t come off of the handle, and it is so easy to clean. Plus it’s a perfect size.

My brilliant friend Kathleen just published a substitution chart that is coming in handy!

While I thought I had really ‘decluttered’ my computer earlier this fall, I found a whole bunch of duplicate files this weekend. Another thing to do when you have the time to do it is to really clean up your devices. Use the Digital Decluttering Checklist and post to prompt you.

I accidentally found a radio station on Alexa that I am so enjoying. I asked Alexa for one thing and she started playing something else, but it turned out that I loved what she chose! See, there’s that silver lining again! It’s called SOMA FM Left Coast 70s.

If your pantry is anything like mine, you probably have the nuts, seeds and dried fruit to make this Rosemary, Fig and Nut Bread. If you don’t have everything in the recipe as written, other fruit and nuts are easily substituted.

Well, I am almost done with a pattern for a crochet washcloth, for all my knitters who would like to try crochet. And…I am really closing in on my table. I am putting a faux marble top on it and am really enjoying ‘faux-ing’. So, I am signing off to get busy.

Hope you have a great day.

Stay safe and look for the silver linings.


Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Hey friend,
    Floral design was my line of work before being a mom. Was such a fun career that helped me release a lot of creativity others could enjoy. Love how these 3 came together and made the most out of their situation. Have fun and hope your Easter was lovely.

    1. Really! I guess I am not surprised! This is a ‘hobby’ I would love to improve. Thanks for swinging by my friend.



  2. Don’t you just love all the creativity that’s happening during this quarantine time. It’s awesome! Refreshing!
    Had a productive last week and another ahead of me. 😊 Did something a little different yesterday as I took a “rest” day. I was weary of just music as background for my knitting/crocheting session. I got on our library’s app and explored the audio books and found Madelaine L’Engle’s, A Wrinkle in Time. Never happened to read it and thought it would be a good diversion. I’m enchanted with the story! Today, I’m going to finally take the leap and sign up for Michelle Hickey’s, on-line, Printable Design Academy. I’ve hemmed & hawed for weeks now despite all the encouragement from my husband. Today, I will humble myself to admit I need more help. And, second, decide that I’m worth it. Lynn, have a great week! Blessings!

    1. Hi Debie…do you know, I don’t believe I’ve read A Wrinkle In Time either! Looks like I need to check it out.

      I’m excited about your online class! Do let me know how it is and give a kiss to that supportive hubby of yours!

      Have a great day my friend.



  3. Lynn I just want to say your such an inspiration, a ray of sunshine, and so creative. I always look forward to your posts and to see what your up too. Your decluttering challenge has really come in handy while we are all staying at home.
    So I went to Amazon for the Spatula that you suggested. For you to get some credit for it do I have to go somewhere specific on Amazon?


    1. Oh friend, you won’t believe this but I have been thinking of you lately! Truly! We’ve been zoom chatting with our Pittsburgh family and I guess that’s why you have been on my mind.

      I am so glad some of these projects are coming in handy! Might as well stay productive, right? I’ve got a mile-long list of things I want to accomplish…slowly chipping away at them.

      And you are so thoughtful about me getting Amazon credit…if you just click the link, that will work.

      Hugs and Kisses to the entire Waller family. I sure hope golf doesn’t get canceled this year! Miss seeing you all!



  4. I love your Monday Musings, Lynn! They are always inspiring, fun, useful, thanks for that and thanks for sharing my substitutions chart! We do need to see the bright side, silver linings, half full side of all of this! And Andrea Bocelli’s Amazing Grace, was, quite AMAZING! Blessed Easter week to you!

    Huge Virtual Hugs,

  5. I love your uplifting attitude! I am sure a lot of people, including me, needed that today. I love the flower arranging, however, the thing that caught my eye was the oyster shell object behind the flowers! OK, what is it!? As a Florida girl and collector of shells, etc., maker of stuff, etc., I just have to know! lol

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