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Monday Musings, August 24

You cannot change yesterday, you cannot predict tomorrow. Today is the only gift you have. That is why we call it the “present”.

Happy Today, my friends!

Well, we moved our youngest fledgling into his first apartment last week! Even if his school goes remote learning only, he is in good shape. I feel for those students and families who have just moved into a dorm only to need to move back out again! Argh.

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for the week, I was fêted on my birthday with phone calls, impromptu visits and texts from my friends and family. We were able to enjoy a beautifully cool and dry August evening with an al fresco dinner; Mother Nature even knew it was my birthday!

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Mom gifted me with this Alligator Food Chopper for my birthday! I have only used it to chop the tomatoes for our Friday Night Nacho, but…tomatoes! It worked great and I’m excited to try it on all sorts of chopped stuff.

And it was a very kitchen-y birthday as Terry gave me this Spice Grinder. I have been using our coffee grinder to grind our spices, but I’m finding that I am not fond of cumin-scented coffee first thing in the morning, so I am tickled with this clever kitchen tool.

Oh, and I broke my toe walking into the couch leg last week too…which really wasn’t so bad as it gave me permission to sit on the sofa all week and catch up on some great British police dramas. I enjoyed Hinterland, but REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVED River. River is much more than just a ‘police drama’ and the only negative is that it was only one season.

If you would like to attract bees to your garden, boy do I have the plant for you! I stumbled upon Anise Hyssop when I was looking for perennials that the rabbit and deer would leave alone. Little did I know that his plant is the K & W Cafeteria of the bee world. I really should’ve attached a video instead of still photo so that you could enjoy the busy-ness of the bees around this plant, from sunup to sundown. Terry and I find ourselves just standing and watching them go from flower to flower at frenetic pace and find their activity soothing and calming.

For my new-to-knitting or experienced knitter friends, you will love the quick knit of the Bridget washcloth. I have been knitting for 30+ years and this is the first time I’ve knit on the diagonal or bias!

Newsflash…4 months from today is Christmas Eve! No need to panic, but it is not too early to start thinking of your handmade gifts. Of course, I love gifting washcloths with a lovely bar of soap, but here are some other Handmade Gift Ideas as well.

And I know I’ll be making more of these Spiced Pickled Cranberries, which were a huge hit with those who received them last year.

Well, my lovelies.

I am off to continue to work on the Teak table and chairs we are restoring. I had always heard that Teak was a hard wood…there is no exaggeration there!

Wishing you a day full of loveliness!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. I just want to thank you for all the brilliant ideas. I love your Blog and now that I have more free time ( thanks to Covid-19) able to use some of your ideas.

    1. Hi Karin, I am so glad you find something useful in my musings. I love this little ‘job’ of mine but it is all the more rewarding when I know that there are Karin’s on the other end who get something from my ramblings!

      Have a fantastic week, my friend.



  2. How’s the toe? Obviously better. 🙂
    Can’t wait to try the new washcloth pattern.
    Last week was the week that wasn’t for me. Dental issue flared up on Sunday and by Wednesday I was having a re-do of a 43-year old root canal. But, one thing about feeling bad, it feels sooooo good when you’re back to “normal.” I comforted myself in my down time with reading for long sessions at a time, and some crochet when my wits got sorted around.
    Grateful that this week is starting out way better and I’m back in the studio. But, the great news is that even in the down time, some of my Objects of Joy items sold in a local shop & on Etsy.
    Have a great week!

    1. Congrats on the sales!!! That always feels good!

      Ouch…I am cringing just thinking about a re-do of a root canal! 😱 So glad you are on the mend…I am too! What books did you read?

      Take care of yourself, my friend.



  3. Hi Lynn

    Made the washcloth you posted last week.really quick a d easy.chuckled today because Bridget’s washcloth was the first thing I learned to knit ten years ago. When I can’t sleep….I get out of bed, make a cup of cam smile tea and start my washcloth
    Belated birthday greetings. Have a great day. Stay hydrated

    1. Hi Barb, it appears that I am the only knitter on the planet who was unfamiliar with the Granny Washcloth!😂 I’m working on some others now, they are aimed for newborns as I’ve had several requests for newborn washcloths. You are much more motivated than I am, when I can’t sleep I turn on my ‘calm’ app and get lulled back to sleep with a monotonous story. But, I bet your washcloth stash is much bigger than mine!

      Have a great day, my friend.



  4. Hi Lynn, another good police drama is Line of Duty. It’s about a specialized police investigative unit that investigates dirty cops. It’s available on an android box. Thanks for your Monday musings.

    1. You aren’t going to believe this Maura, or maybe you will, but two of you suggested Line of Duty! It’s a must watch and I’m adding it to our queue tonight. We just started Bosch, so we will start Line of Duty after that. Thanks so much for the suggestion!



  5. Happy Belated Birthday. I too, celebrated my birthday on a lovely day in August.
    If you loved Hinterland, I would highly recommend Line of Duty. Five seasons – six episodes each season. It keeps you on the edge of your seat!

    1. Oh, thank you so much for another series suggestion. Hubby and I are ploughing through them with all of our ‘stay at home’ time! Definitely checking out Line of Duty.

      Thanks Jennie!



  6. So glad to read your comments on River! Hubby and I watch a lot of British etc shows, and this ranks as probably our favorite, maybe because it isn’t all police procedural. We’ve recommended it often and everyone likes it a lot, but no one but you seems to love it like we do!

    1. Hi Bonnie…I flat out cried during the last episode where River is dancing in the street! Tears rolling down my cheeks! How many ‘police procedurals’ do that? I recommended it to my mom who LOVED it as well. So many layers and wonderful characters. Good to find a kindred spirit!



  7. I love reading your readers comments! What a sweet connection you have to all of them! Sorry about your toe, broken toes are a pain, but I’ll take excuses to lay around too! Here’s to launching kids and empty nesting! Maybe you’ll make one of your Dad’s famous margarita’s! Happy birthday my friend! So glad you were celebrated! I think you should sell beginner knitting kits! Cause I’d be your first sale!

    1. Thanks Kathleen,

      I really do have lovely readers…don’t I?

      And, I’ll always welcome a good opportunity to lounge, though I am getting anxious to start walking again.

      Have a great day, my friend.



  8. Seriously? Four months away? Yikes, I’ve got to get going. I’m sure some of your washcloths will be part of my gift giving. I will pair them with some of my hand made soaps. Happy belated birthday! Love the gifts you received, that chopper looks amazing. I could use a tomato chopper right now – getting lots from the garden. I love the herb – Anise Hyssop – I’ve never planted that but I will now! It looks beautiful and I love plants that the bees love. We have so many bumblebees in the zinnias! Just amazing. And yellow jackets in the raspberries – not so good. I let my husband do the picking – I’ll make the jam. Enjoy the week.

    1. Good Morning Janet! I do believe we must share a brain! What soap recipe do you use?

      So far so good with that chopper and you must get some anise hyssop if you want to invite bumblers to your garden. There is such an assortment of bees that frequent that bush on a daily basis. I have yet to use the herb in anything yet…do you?

      So jealous you can go to your back yard to pick raspberries! Garden goal!

      Have a phenomenal day, my friend



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