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News from the Nest, June 17

Good Morning, Friends!

FWIW, the Summer Solstice is this Thursday, making it the longest day in the year!

I’m sitting here this glorious Monday morning after having enjoyed a very lovely weekend. Not only was it Father’s Day, and Terry was appropriately fêted with all of his favorite foods and gifts (the portable battery charger/air compressor was a hit!), but we also celebrated our 38th (!!) wedding anniversary at our favorite restaurant. We worked in the yard and watched some golf, and it was truly a blissful weekend.

So, some of you have kindly reached out to see photos of my much-anticipated, long-overdue, and continually plagued bathroom re-fresh. Well, you’re going to have to wait a few more days. As a refresher, I took a week off a month ago to ‘do the bathroom.’ I had purchased the mirror, light fixtures, sink fixtures, paint, shower curtain fabric and trim, and mounted shower rod over the past year, and it was just waiting to be put together.

So, I started painting the bathroom but fell off the ladder, adding a two-week delay to the project. I finally finished painting and had the sink and light fixtures replaced. We hung the new mirror, mounted the shower rod, and added a lovely glass and stainless steel shelf.

All that was left to do was sew the shower curtain—easy peasy lemon squeezy. It also allowed me time to listen to Nicholas Nickleby in my current quest to listen to all of Charles Dicken’s books.

I knew I wanted a longer shower curtain than the 72″ standard to give the small bathroom some height and make it look less cramped. I looked around for some pre-made 84″ curtains, but nothing struck my fancy, so I decided I could make one myself and I hightailed it to the fabric store. To get the width I needed, I would need to seam two pieces together, but I was O.K. with that because I found a lovely beige, woven trim I liked and, in fact, based the bathroom wall paint color on the trim. My plan was to have the seams and trim down each side of the curtain similar to this.

shower curtain

I’m going to go ahead and blame it on my 45+-year-old sewing machine, but I could not sew that lovely trim (on which I chose my paint color) onto the fabric without it puckering! I can’t even tell you how many times I ripped off the trim this past week, patiently and slowly sewing it back on, only to find it puckered again! I tried to figure out how to adjust my sewing machine, but again, I really don’t even know how old this machine is. It was my grandmother’s, and after her death 45 years ago, it was given to me. Suffice it to say, I don’t have a manual, but it is a very bare-bones machine.

I truly lost track of how many times I did this, but I can tell you that it consumed several days this past week. After the last attempt, I threw the whole thing in the trash and ordered a $25 all-white shower curtain from Amazon…it will be here tomorrow.

Oh, but wait. I forgot to tell you that I had also ordered a grommet tool and had already added the grommets to the shower curtain that is now in the trashcan.

This little anecdote should dispel any notions that still persist about my supernatural crafting abilities.

Stack of rocks on a beach

A Few Handy Tips

  • If you forgot to get your blouse or other lightweight clothing item out of the laundry and now it is all wrinkled, just toss it back in with a few ice cubes or a wet washcloth for about ten minutes…definitely a wrinkle reducer.
  • Use an adhesive lint roller to give your lamp shades a good cleaning.
  • Here’s a simple test you can do to see if an alkaline battery is fresh or dead. Hold the top of a battery (where the plus sign is) about 1-2″ from a hard, flat surface like your kitchen counter. When you drop it, it will bounce if the battery is dead or has just a little life in it. If the battery is fresh, it won’t bounce but will pretty much stay put when dropped.
  • Pencil graphite, soap, and candle wax are all lubricants when dealing with a stuck zipper.

From the Knit Studio

  • Knit a stand-alone i-cord and then coil it upon itself for a super sturdy and attractive trivet. You’ll want to knit a couple of these trivets for your kitchen, but let’s talk about making them as gifts! I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a nice trivet or two for their kitchen.
i-cord trivet.

From the Kitchen

Mint Cocktail Recipes
  • If the deer haven’t consumed your cucumber plants like they have mine, you’ll surely want to put up some pickles! This jar-by-jar refrigerator dill pickle recipe makes it easy to dill your cukes as you harvest them. And these crunchy dills are very close in taste to Clausens’, if that’s your preferred pickle.
Dill PIckles in jars

Fantastic recipe! I harvested around 3 lbs of jalapenos before the first freeze 2 nights ago and pickled them as per your directions. I did the same thing (last year) and those are spectacular!!! I can’t thank you enough!

jars of jalapenos.
  • Homemade pickled carrots are a vibrant, tangy treat that can elevate any meal. They are perfect for sandwiches, salads, or a standalone snack. Dice them, chop them, or keep them whole. On top of producing a delicious vegetable treat, this quick pickled carrots recipe is also an ideal way to preserve an excess of carrots, ensuring they’re enjoyed for weeks or even months to come.
A jar of pickled carrots
  • Preserve some of your blueberry harvest with this delicious, no-pectin Blueberry Jam recipe. It can be made plain or with the addition of a little chamomile from a tea bag. The jam can also be water bath canned, frozen or refrigerated. If you would like to water bath can it, the recipe includes step by step instructions.
jars of blueberry jam
  • If you are of a ‘certain age’ and grew up with a 7-11 nearby, I trust you are familiar with their Big Wheels…those ice cream cookie sandwiches that were just about the best thing to enjoy on your way home from the beach or the pool on a hot summer day. Even if you didn’t grow up with a 7-11 nearby, trust me when I tell you that a Big Wheel is just about the greatest treat known on a hot day. This Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe is my homage to the Big Wheel, and I think I got pretty close!
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches

From the Arts and Crafts Studio

If you are spending any time at the beach this summer, gather some shells to make some of the following projects. For the oyster shells, you can also go to your local fish market to see if they’ll let nab some shells from their trashed shells.

Use an upcycled window frame to make art. An easy DIY project for your home decor.
Oyster shell clusters.
  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this Oyster Shell Mirror is in the top 3 of my favorite projects.
oyster shell mirror

In the Garden

We remain hopeful that, despite the concerted efforts of the deer population, we can resurrect our tomato and cucumbers. To that end, we’ve enclosed the area in deer mesh and are giving them tender loving care. Terry made a batch of compost tea, so we will be giving them an added boost with that today.

If you are curious about compost tea, read this post, and if you would like to brew your own, check out this post!

A jug of compost tea and a watering can

Around the Home

  • This Summer Decluttering Checklist helps you identify those seasonal items that are unwanted, damaged, or not needed and can be donated or thrown away, helping you maintain an uncluttered home.
Stack of rocks on a beach
painted ceiling.

A Few Favorites and Some Fun Finds

Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.

If you are gathering with friends and family this summer, here are some fun games for your group.

  • I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love this Ransom Notes game. We’ve introduced it to several friends, who have since purchased their own. Fair warning: it can get raunchy but we have found that my mom can be the instigator! And it comes with six trays, but you can get metal plates to augment for more players from your hardware store, just make sure they are magnetic.
  • You can have up to seven players with this Five Crowns Game. It’s a fast-paced, rummy style card game
  • If your crowd likes trivia, challenge them with this educational History Trivia game!
  • And UNO remains a best seller for obvious reasons…just a great game.

Well, I’m off to take Elsa to her playdate to tire her out before I go and pick up mom from the airport.

Wishing you week of everything you need and even a few things that are just frivolous!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Just found your Nourish and Nestle website yesterday. I love it! I’m forwarding it to all my daughters and friends. Thank you so much for all the work you do to bring this enjoyable project to life!

    1. Hi Barbara,

      I’m so thrilled to have you here! What projects interest you the most?

      Wishing you a fantastic day!

      Hugs, Lynn

  2. So sorry the bathroom remodel has been so frustrating. But … just like when you give a mouse a cookie and it snowballs, it sounds to me like the perfect solution, naturally, is – a brand new sewing machine! I’m still hoping we will get to see the original shower curtain as you envisioned it.

    1. Hi Erica,

      You know, if I didin’t have a list of things I want to get done and saw each minute I spent on that shower curtain as wasted time, I might consider pulling it out of the trash. But, I really have a long list of projects I want to get done. I’m at peace with tossing it, but…don’t deny that I might need a new sewing machine, or at least this one may need to be serviced!

      We loved ‘Give a Mouse a Cookie’ book when my kids were growing up and that analogy holds true for so many things in life.

      Thanks so much for writing in!

      Wishing you a wonderful day.

      Hugs, Lynn

  3. Um, I have found, when something needs to be corrected over and over again, I can do it for a while, but eventually it gets to be ridiculous.. I have thrown things out too. I have set things aside – for years – and still threw them out. Better to just go to plan B sometimes! Yes, you will love your new sewing machine. I did! I DO! Best wishes on the garden…love/dislike deer!

    1. Hi Joan,

      I’m so glad I’m not alone. I actually pulled it from the trashcan and put it in the garage in case I had second thoughts, but hung up my new ‘Amazon’ shower curtain today so will offically trash the original one today!

      And I’m struggling with ‘loving’ deer right now…truly, they decimated our garden. I do worry that they are hungry so I reached out to our neighborhood association who said that our deer population is at its lowest levels. So, they just really liked my tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, beans, dahlias, zinnias, et…

      Thanks again for writing in, Joan!

      Have a fantastic day.


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