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Monday Musings, May 18

Good Morning, Glories!

Phew, we’ve had some excitement here since we last chatted!

As soon as I wrote that I was going to spend the day working on ‘the chest’ in the garage, my day took a blissful turn as our daughter was admitted to medical school! If you know of anyone trying to get into med school, you know it can be a soul-crushing and brutal process.

Her life plans have been on hold until she found out if and where she would be attending medical school and now that she knows where she will be going, we dove right into planning. We equipped ourselves with all sorts of personal protection and sanitation supplies and drove 8 hours each way just to scope out the neighborhood she will be living in and lay eyes on apartments. Given the current situation, we were unable to go in and look at apartments, but she needs to nail down her living situation so we put a deposit, sight unseen, on one. Strange times, indeed.

I don’t need to tell you that planning seems very weird right now. We are moving forward assuming that she will be starting school at the beginning of August…but…you know, we just don’t know! One day at a time, right?

So, enough about me. How are you holding up? Are you allowing yourself all sorts of grace? We need to acknowledge that uncertainty breeds anxiety and so, we need to be easy on ourselves…like REALLY EASY!

Like many of you, we have been binge-ing a good number of TV shows recently. Thanks to a suggestion from mom (who continues to soldier on with grace and humor), we discovered the Harlan Coben mini-series…The Five, The Stranger, and Safe. They were all outstanding, though Safe and The Stranger were our faves. He has written a bunch of books, so I’m thrilled to have a new author!

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Speaking of books, I finished Unorthodox which was definitely interesting and eye-opening and I highly recommend it. I was underwhelmed by The Wives…but maybe that was just me. I didn’t expect the ending, which is always good, but it just seemed a bit shallow. I picked Little Fires Everywhere back up and am really enjoying that…stayed up too late last night reading it. I think maybe it started a little slow for me but is definitely picking up steam now.

With our library closed, mom and I have been trading books back and forth. She sent me Last Christmas in Paris, which she compared to one of my all-time favorites, Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society and The Girl Who Wrote in Silk. Also on my nightstand is Floreana, which was recommended by one of our readers. Having a stack of books to read just makes my soul happy!

While our Memorial Day celebrations may be smaller this year, we can still certainly celebrate with our immediate people! My family loves this BBQ Pulled Pork Recipe. And I might have to make these festive Red, White, and Blue Ice Cream Popsicles…Lord knows we need to find reasons to be festive!

Renee made 2 of these Daisy Stitch Washcloths, using Peaches and Creme Cotton Yarn in Creamsicle. Both the daisy stitch and crochet were new to her and she did a lovely job! A lucky friend will be the recipient of two of these dishcloths!

You can grab the washcloth gift wraps that Renee used in the Subscriber Benefits Library or click the button below and I’ll send the printable PDF right to your email inbox!

If cabin fever is settling in, don’t forget about these 22 things to do when you have to stay at home.

Well, I’d love to say I’m going to get out and work on that chest today, but the truth is that my daughter and I will be pulling stuff out of the attic to see what she has and what she needs. And she just asked me to paint something for her new apartment, so there is that!

Wishing you a lovely day today, my friends.

Many, many hugs…

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Congratulations to your daughter! A wonderful achievement. I wish her the best of luck. My son studied at the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow Scotland. He was one of 20 students chosen out of 1600 worldwide. He received his Masters in one year.
    You’ll miss your daughter I’m sure but it will be well worth it.

    1. Wow! Quite an accomplishment! He is a musician? I’ve not been to Glasgow, though I have been to Edinburgh. Looking forward to getting back. In fact, one of my dearest friends lives in Northern England and I was supposed to go spend a week with her on Uist this November, not sure if that will be happening!

      We will miss her, but know that she will be doing what she wants to be doing. Plus, I imagine we will still talk daily!

      Hope all is well with you, my friend.

      Stay Safe!



  2. Hi Lynn, Congratulations to your daughter and to you & hubby. It takes a team to achieve such greatness. What a nice surprise to receive an email from you!! Please keep me posted on your “Sour dough” attempts. I’m still having some failures but thankfully some successes too. Now I’m checking out your exercise suggestions after tasting SO much bread. I really enjoy your website! It has been a great help to me in this crazy time. Please stay well and keep posting. Many hugs !!! Cheryl W

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Thanks for the congrats! It is an exciting time! Our home is delightfully upended as we pull all sorts of stuff from the attic to help her set up her new home.

      I’m still a bit ‘raw’ from my sourdough failures, so haven’t dove back into it yet. But I will! I promise. And this whole quarantine thing has been tough on many waistlines, for sure. It seems that there is great comfort in baking and eating!

      And I’m so glad my little website has offered a wee bit of a distraction to you during these times! At the end of the day, that is my goal.

      Stay safe my friend.



  3. Congratulations to you all for the your daughters entry into medical school!!!
    I know it is both exciting & scary all in the same breath..God bless & Be safe.
    Where was she excepted too?
    Take care …
    Ellen Turner

    1. Hi Ellen,

      You are right, now she knows where she will be going to school, but still a great number of uncertainties! One day at a time, right?

    1. Oh, thanks Martha! A true weight lifted, for sure! Just the uncertainty for the past year has been stressful. Now we all know her path.

      Have a great day, my friend.



  4. Yahoo! So excited for you, your daughter and all that is going on!! Great and bizarre times, but we cannot stop celebrating! Love the recipes! Always fun!

  5. A couple of things; the Daisy stitch was new to me and it turned out beautifully. I’m also by the Chinese wave stitch which I’ve just discovered. I’m fairly new to knitting again after about 40 yrs. I’d like to mention a beautiful book I read recently called The Water Dancer by Te Nehisi Coates. Hard to read in parts but had me enthralled from the beginning. One more; on Amazon Prime, we started watching One Mississippi. Unfortunately it has been cancelled but not because it wasn’t first quality. Will miss it. Love tuning into Nourish and nestle and hope everyone gets through these times okay.

    1. Good Morning Cheryl! I am so glad you enjoyed that Daisy Stitch…have you attempted the Chinese Wave yet? It really is lovely.

      I just added ‘The Water Dancer’ to my list of books. I am optimistic our library will open soon, but if not, I will order it. And I haven’t heard of One Mississippi! Adding that to our watching queue! Thanks so much, book and show suggestions like these are true gifts to me!

      I hope you are your are staying safe and well. I am beginning to see some glimmer of hope that we may be edging out of this!

      Take care, my friend.



  6. Good Morning Lynn,
    Congratulations on your daughter’s admission to med school, that is wonderful news!
    My daughter is on the same quest (applying) and I know very anxiety provoking for her, not an easy process or journey. All the best to her as she begins a new & exciting chapter in her life.

    1. Thanks Sherri…we need to form a support group for parents whose children applying to medical school! It is brutal. Is your daughter just starting the process for this upcoming cycle?

      Sending good thoughts to both you and your daughter!!



  7. Lynn, don’t you love it when Life takes a “plot twist”?” the good ones I mean. Congrats to your daughter!! Expected to hunker down in my studio this week, but we decided to celebrate our 43rd anniversary by heading to Florida meeting up with friends at Amelia Island. Lovely weather today. Thanking God for this plot twist to our week. 😁

    1. Good Morning Debie! And yes, those good plot twists are always so fun! Our home is all topsy-turvy now with stuff pulled from the attic that had been set aside for Kate for when she needed to set up an apartment…and now it is time! I am actually reveling in the chaos of it all! Happy Anniversary! I love Amelia Island! Hope you are having good weather; it has been quite wet and stormy back here in NC.

      Safe travels, my friend.



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