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News from the Nest, September 18


Good Morning.

Well, it’s been a week.

When we chatted last week, I was to be coming home from Pittsburgh today, after a week of celebrating the daughter of one of my dearest friends. I had everything planned out, I was going to get my work done early and take my new and old laptop to my computer guys who would transfer all my data over while I was out of town. Then I would come home, grab my new and improved laptop and pick up where I left off without missing a beat.

But, what I didn’t know was that we would need to replace our AC last week and, most importantly, our sweet Flora decided that she was done fighting Leukemia. It became abundantly clear to us on Friday that she was ready to go over the Rainbow Bridge. I cancelled my weekend plans and we made arrangements to make her final day as easy and comfortable as possible.

Our vet had given us the name of a In-Home Pet Hospice service. The vet who came Saturday was absolutely wonderful and so very sensitive to all of our needs. She made the process calm, gentle and worthy of our sweet girl. Our daughter was able to come in for the day, and Flora was ushered out knowing she was well loved.

Suffice it to say many, many tears are still being spilled and the house is way too quiet now. Those of us that Flora left behind are heartbroken, but we know we did right by her and that she is at peace.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

Sydney Jeanne Seward

New on the Blog

Without a doubt, this weee blog of mine is the cheapest form of therapy. For me, keeping busy is the best way to deal with a broken heart. So thanks, for being my therapist!

Can you tell we’ve been on a pasta kick lately?

  • This Bolognese sauce over pasta (pappardelle is my favorite) is one of those soul-satisfying meals that require just a little prep work. A slow simmer does all the hard work to turn this into a hearty and filling meal that goes beyond a simple meat sauce.
A plate of pappardelle with ragu alla bolognese.

More From the Kitchen

Green tomatoes in a hand
  • This Hearty Beef Soup is a family favorite! The depth of flavor results from mushrooms and browned beef shanks, in addition to the stew meat. If you are looking for a hearty, nourishing, and delicious soup, then this is your recipe!
A bowl of hearty beef soup and a spoon.
  • This Golden Plum Jam was my first foray into making jams ten years ago and remains a favorite. This is the perfect plum jam recipe for canning or freezing. Enjoy it on your morning toast, scone, or biscuit. And not for nothing, this jam makes a wonderful hostess gift idea.
Golden Plum Jam in a cup and on a spoon.
  • Reminiscent of apple-filled doughnuts, our Apple Cider Muffins have an apple filling and are a perfect fall muffin recipe or year-round treat.
Apple Cider Muffins image of muffins on a cake stand up close
  • Any day is a great day for my dad’s Margarita recipe! It’s not a surprise that this recipe has been one of the most popular recipes on the blog for 6 years!
Glass of Margarita with a lime

From the Knit Studio

Knit patterns are the most time-consuming content I publish and I am *this close* to publishing a darling, brand-new baby blanket pattern. Assuming I get my computer back tomorrow as anticipated, I’ll have this published before the end of this week. Here’s a sneak peek…I’m still trying to figure out what to call it! It’s a tone-on-tone plaid, but that’s a bit of a mouthful for a baby blanket! Suggestions?

  • This eyelet baby blanket was the very first knit pattern I ever wrote and it has stood the test of time. It’s a classic and sweet blanket.
Knit Eyelet Baby Blanket in a gift box with a silver rattle.
  • The Russian Join is my go-to method for joining ends of yarn in a knit project. In the image below, I’m pointing to where the yarn was joined; I feel if I didn’t point it out, you most likely wouldn’t notice it.
showing where yarn was joined with the Russian Join.

From the Arts + Crafts Room

  • These sweet little sachets can be ‘personalized’ with hair and eye color, as well as the fabric and filling you use. I used lavender for its moth-repelling properties.
3 Lavender Sachets
A bowl of natural moth repellent and bags of moth repellent.
Tub with faux copper finish, filled with logs.

In the Garden

  • Even though summer is coming to a close in the Northern Hemisphere, there are still tasks that will keep you busy in the garden on these gorgeous fall days. And for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, your garden calendar is chock full of Spring chores! In either case, this Garden Maintenance checklist will help you stay on task. The second part of this free printable is perhaps my favorite! It helps me stay on track with fertilizing and pruning my garden plants.
Gloves, clippers and Garden Maintenance printables.

House + Home Tips

Kitchen Cabinets
a stack of Wooden cutting boards.

A Few Fun Finds

Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.

  • I don’t know if I could operate this blog without these erasable pens! OK, maybe a touch of an exaggeration, but man…I really do like using them. Once you start, I think you’ll find that regular pens are just not as cool anymore.
  • I laid down this shelf liner when we had our kitchen cabinets repainted. It has done a top notch job of protecting the paint while being almost invisible. I especially like the wee ridges that help any moisture still on my glasses and plates to evaporate.

Did you miss last week’s News?

You can see or revisit what we chatted about last week by clicking on this link!

Thanks again for being the best therapist! What kind of insurance do you take? 😊😉

Have a fantastic week, my friends.

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Oh dear Lynn. I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Flora. She doubtless gave you years and years of total devotion. I know the feeling and I’m truly sorry.
    Fond wishes

    1. Hi Jill,

      She truly was Practically Perfect in Every Way and her presence is sorely missed.

      I guess I know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future. It’s a part of the deal. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, knowing the eventual outcome. We were just content that we were able to take care of her well as she declined.

      Thanks so much for your kind message.

      Hugs, Lynn

  2. I just love your site! Look forward to it every week. We, too, had the experience of letting our big , beautiful mastiff go a few weeks ago. It may be a selfless act, but the sadness is just awful to bear. My adult daughter and my grandkids are still nearly inconsolable. Our hearts are broken. You bring light and joy to my world with your uplifting reading about knitting, food, etc. Many thanks!

    1. Oh Barbara,

      Thanks so much for you kind words. I do love what I do, especially during times like this when I need something to keep my mind busy. But, without exaggeration, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun if there weren’t readers like you on the other end of my musings. So, thank you for making this possible for me! 😘

      I’m so sorry that you have recently experienced this loss. You put it perfectly, “it may be a selfless act, but the sadness is just awful to bear.” That sums it up! I guess we know that this is the inevitable end to this fun journey we embark with our new pups, but there just isn’t enough time between those two markers!

      Again, thanks for your kind note! You lifted my soul today!

      Hugs, Lynn

  3. Sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved Flora. Anyone who loves their pets knows how you and your family are feeling right now. It is heartbreaking. But she gave you such joy, and she and I are hoping that someday you will give another pet a wonderful life like she had with you. That is what we can do to honor the beautiful sweet soul that passed. Rest in Peace Flora…💗

    1. Thanks so much Joan,

      It sounds like you have first hand experience with this heartbreak! We all know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future. It’s a part of the deal. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, knowing the eventual outcome.

      We were just content that we were able to take care of her well as she declined and give her the peaceful passing that she deserved.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Hugs, Lynn

  4. So very sorry about Flora. Her picture is absolutely precious. She was a beloved part of your family. Though it breaks our hearts when they leave us, we are so fortunate to have had them in our lives where they will always be loved and remembered.

    1. Thanks so much, Midge. She was a sweet, sweet girl. And you are right, a truly beloved part of our family and we were very blessed to have her! Her memory will be with all of us, forever.

      I really appreciate your kind words.

      Hugs, Lynn

  5. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved little girl. have been in your position quite a few times and the pain is unbearable. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. what a blessing our fur babies are to us! sincerely Beverly moore

    1. Hi Beverly, It sounds like you have first hand experience with this heartbreak! We all know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future. It’s a part of the deal. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, knowing the eventual outcome.

      We were just content that we were able to take care of her well as she declined and give her the peaceful passing that she deserved.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Hugs, Lynn

  6. Dear Lynn,
    I always enjoy receiving and reading Nourish and Nestle. Last week I tried to download the baby blanket pattern. When asked for my password, I could not remember registering a password but tried my usual password but unfortunately it was not the one. There was no option about re-setting a password, so I was out of luck … [sigh]. I have a friend whose baby is due in November, and know that she would love a baby blanket in that pattern. Can you please help me.

    I am so sorry to hear that your beloved pet has passed away. We too were heartbroken when our dear, loving, spoiled Maltese poodle, Michi passed away.

    Take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    With love, respect and appreciation,

    1. Hi Joy,

      I’ll get that password to you right away. But, for future reference, it is always included on the bottom of every Monday newsletter.

      Thanks for your kind words. Losing a pet is just truly heartbreaking and I’m sorry to hear aobut sweet Michi. I guess we know that the day will come eventually, but it does seem to come too soon.

      Thanks again! 😘😘

      I’ll get that info right to you.

  7. Hi Lynn,
    So very sorry that you lost your Flora. It’s always sad to lose a fur family member. I remember my daughters doggies that she lost.
    I hope you will remember the good times with Flora.
    Juanita Taylor

    1. Hi Sweet Juanita,
      Thanks so much for your very kind message. Those little fur babies do worm their way into our hearts! And Flora was a good one.

      We’ve already remininsced a couple of times about giggles we had with Flora, which is a good thing.

      Thanks again for your thoughts. ❤️

      Hugs, Lynn

  8. Hi Lynn
    My sincerest condolences for your loss of Flora. Losing someone that is such a part of your household and everyday life is truly heart breaking. I know she had the best life with you and was shown love and kindness to the end.
    My cat, Ben, passed away 3 weeks ago today. He was only 10 1/2 yrs but had come to me from an abusive home 3 1/2 yrs ago. He was thrown out of his home during a desperately cold winter here in Northern Alberta. He had pretty severe asthma and I suspect if someone could just throw him away, they didn’t do much in the the way of regular health care for him. We have had very poor air quality here since April because of the forest fires all around us. It all became too much for his little lungs. The vet was kind and caring and they administered the ‘cocktail’ as he rested on my lap. It was very peaceful.
    Ben had a lot of trauma before I got him and my challenge was to let him know there was kindness, love and safety in his world. He lived the life he was meant to have when he was with me. He made me a better person because I had to be consistently calm, kind, loving and patient. He blossomed and became a confident companion. I was very proud of how he had grown.
    I have spent the last couple of weeks scrapbooking my photos of Ben. I found it helpful.

    Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your memories of Flora will bring you joy and peace in the days ahead.
    You are right. The silence is hard. I was devoted to his care and his needs. His pass over the Rainbow Bridge was best for him but so hard for me. Such is the price of unconditional love.
    Take care, Joan

    1. Dearest Joan,

      Oh, sweet Ben! What a blessed little cat he was to find his way to you, and I know he blessed you in return. I often think that our animals are too good for many people, I can’t believe someone would’ve tossed him out during that weather! 😠And aren’t you both lucky that you had such a loving vet…that’s very much how we felt about the vet who came and tended to Flora. She was already resting and never knew a thing…we should all be that lucky.

      The silence is very tough. We do have a cat who is very clingy right now. She’s only ever known a home with Flora in it.

      Wishing your heart continued mending…but we all know that there will always be a Ben-sized hole in your heart and a Flora-sized hole in mine. You are right, such is the price of unconditional love.

      Many, many hugs coming your way!


  9. Very sorry to hear about your loss of your sweet dog. We just had to make that tough decision for our 14 year old German shepherd Doberman mix. But he had very aggressive cancer that was only going to get much worse, and he was too old for any sort of surgery or treatment to try to help. Our vet was very compassionate and he went very peacefully. Good to hear that was your experience too.

    We love that quote about earning the love of an old dog – so very true. I may try to find a nice recent photo of our faithful friend to frame and include that quote with it.

    Wishing you comfort with happy memories of your Flora.


    1. Hi Cahty,

      Thanks so much for your kind condolences. Like yours, our Flora had an aggressive cancer that, at her age of almost 13, would’ve been too much for her. So we committed to make her last days loving, calm, compassionate and comfortable.

      We all know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future; they just don’t live long enough. It’s a part of the deal. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, knowing the eventual outcome.

      Sending you hugs as well, as your heart continues to mend.


  10. May you find blessings in the memories you carry of Flora -is there a story behind that name? My family once had a mixed breed dog that got the name Hershey because he was chocolate colored

    I really enjoy the variety of things you include in your blog. I almost always find a ‘keeper’ in your recipes (green tomatoes – yum) and your knitting patterns.
    Roselle Haas – Houston, TX

    1. Hi Roselle,

      Thanks so much for your kind condolences. We have wonderful memories of Flora that will stay with us forever. And, in fact, there is a story behind her name! THanks for asking. When we visited Venice the summer before Flora entered our lives we stayed at Hotel Flora. I loved that hotel, and the name popped in my head when we were thinking of names. And she fit it perfectly…she was quite the princess!

      I have a friend who also had a Chocolate Lab names Hershey! It’s a good one.

      Thanks so much for your compliments on the blog. I do love it and it is worth its weight in gold when I need to stay busy!

      Thanks again for your kind words.

      Hugs, Lynn

  11. Oh Lynn, I am so, so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Flora. You have lost a part of your family, and a friend. You know her pain is over and she will definitely see you on the other side. But it’s still so hard. There are no words other than I’m sorry.
    Mary Kayser, St Peters, MO

    1. Hi Mary,

      Thanks so much for your kind words. You are very right; it is so hard, but it was the right thing to do for her. She will always remain a part of the family and we have many wonderful memories of and with her.

      Hugs, Lynn

  12. So very sorry to hear that Flora was ready to transition, it is always so heartbreaking especially when you’ve enjoyed them for so many years. We had two 17 year old kitties that decided within 2 weeks of each other to go for the Rainbow Bridge which made it really hard on us. The services that help with the transition are just great in our area as well. They were very sensitive and caring. So be gentle with yourself and take care as you grieve.

    Sending heartfelt hugs!

    1. Hi dear Rosalie,

      Two within two weeks! Bless you; you have two kitty sized holes in your heart! I’m not sure those holes will ever completely heal, but I think I’m o.k. with always having a Flora sized hole in mine. But I can say we have already had some smiles about her following her death, which is a good thing.

      Thanks again for your kind condolences and sending wishes for your mended heart.

      Hugs, Lynn

  13. So sorry to hear about Flora- it’s such a hard time. We also went down that path at the beginning of the year and it’s one of the hardest things we had to do, even though we knew it was the right decision. They are always with us. ❤️

    1. Hi Sue,

      Thanks so much for your very kind remarks. It is such a hard thing to do, but you are correct, the right thing to do.

      I guess we all know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future; they just don’t live long enough. It’s a part of the deal. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, even knowing the eventual outcome of a broken heart.

      Thanks again for your condolences. Flora will always remain in our hearts!

      Hugs, Lynn

  14. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Flora. They always take a little piece of our heart with them. May you be comforted in the memory that you gave her a wonderful life and she loved you without question. ((HUGS))

    1. Hi Mary,

      Thanks for your kind condolences.

      They surely do take a piece of our hearts! And we are comforted by knowing that she knew we loved her hard! She was a princess and was treated as such.

      She will always remain a part of our family and we have wondeful memories of her.

      Thanks again for your thoughts.

      Hugs, Lynn

  15. I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear dog. We too had an in-home vet help us say goodbye to our sweet boy in May; what a lovely service is. The house is still too quiet and I truly miss his cool nose on my ankle asking for just a little nibble from the table. They are with us forever.

    1. Hi Lyn,

      The silence of the house is tough, isn’t it!? You don’t realize what a presence those furry balls of love have! And aren’t those in-home vet services worth their weight in gold?! What a blessing and gift for their final moments, to be in the home they love and are comfortable in when they cross the rainbow bridge.

      Thanks again for your kind thoughts.

      Hugs, Lynn

  16. Thank you for your blog I truly enjoy it and I am not really a blog reset except for yours. I enjoy the recipes, the gardening and the knitting and just what is happening in your days. I am so sorry for your loss of Flora she looked like such a good girl like our Bentley.He was the best boy and he went over the rainbow bridge a couple of years ago and our house was so quiet too. Hugs to you and again thank you for all
    That you take the time to share💗Connie Ciatti

    1. Hi Connie,

      Thanks so much for your kind words about the blog. I truly do love working on it…it keeps me busy when I most need it.

      The house is very quiet now. She wasn’t a barker and wasn’t noisy, but it was just her presence. Both Terry and I notice it. We will get another pup after the beginning of the year; we have a good deal of travel planned for the rest of this year which wouldn’t be fair to the new pup.

      Thanks again for your kind words.

      Hugs, Lynn

  17. I’m so sorry for the loss of your dog. I went through the same thing in June. I decided that I wasn’t going to get another dog for at least six months. There were things I wanted to do around the house before adding another pet. That lasted about two weeks. Because of my disabilities, I went looking for a dog at least six months old. I figured a shelter dog would be great. Did you ever notice how the best laid plans don’t seem to work out? I am currently the proud dog-mom of Blessing who is a 13 week old Old English Sheepdog/Poodle/German Shepherd mix. Some days his first name is Mixed, but most of the time he’s an amazingly good puppy. I think he was definitely the dog I needed. I hope your grief eases and the good memories provide much comfort.

    1. Oh, I love the sounds of Blessing! I’d love to see a picture.

      We will definitely get another pup, I’m thinking after the beginning of the year. We have some travel planned for the rest of this year and it isn’t fair to bring a new pup to the home and then leave her. But, I get the whole ‘the universe has other plans’ thing, so we will see.

      Hugs and Kisses and thanks for the kind thoughts.


  18. Hi Lynn, There are so many of us feeling your pain and as an animal lover, I am one of them. I happen to be a cat person and my last four have been rescue adoptions. Each one has left a big hole in my heart. My personal therapy has always been to immediately adopt another rescue cat and give another animal the loving care it deserves. My present Biscuit, was hit by a car and suffered a broken jaw. A wonderful witness took her to the nearest vet and they were able to save her. She wasn’t the most beautiful feline when I observed her picture on line, but I prayed about whether I should adopt her and God answered by prayer. So as soon as she was well enough to be placed, I welcomed her with open arms. She arrived with jaws wired, a mere 7 pounds; she presently is 17 pounds and the most loving cat I have ever had. She wakes me with kisses every morning and our favorite ritual is to curl up and nap together. I am 91 years old and she has been loved by all family members so that when I pass, she will be in great care. Each pet I’ve had has been a member of the family and it is extremely difficult to say “it is time.” Like you, I have had wonderful veterinary professionals understand our loss and cried along with me. I hope that each day brings so many memories to you and your family knowing that all of you are at peace. God is wonderful!

    1. Oh Sweet Barbara,

      Thanks for this lovely message. And what a lucky cat sweet Biscuit is! But, it sounds like you are equally lucky.

      During Covid, my mom rescued ‘Gigi’, who was shot through and through. It was a miracle she survived the shooting. But she arrived to mom with bullet wounds on each side of her abdomen. Gigi came to mom right after my dad had passed away and several months after her previous dog had passed and in the midst of Covid…there is no doubt they saved each other’s life!

      We will get another pup, I’m thinking after the beginning of the year. We have some travel planned for the rest of this year and it isn’t fair to bring a new pup to the home and then leave her.

      Thanks so much for your sweet thoughts. They really mean alot.

      Hugs, Lynn

  19. I’m happy that you have your blog, especially at a time like this. So very sorry for your loss, Lynn. We lost our little Louie just about two years ago and miss him every day. My husband gets very attached to our pets – every time we think about getting another dog he decides that he just can’t go through that heartache again. Of course, at our age, who knows? The dog might outlive us! We did get a kitty last summer and that’s been fun, I just wish we had gotten two kittens. Sometimes I think he’s lonely. But we try our best to keep him entertained. Thanks for all that you do, I can’t wait to try those margaritas! Jan in MA

    1. Good Morning Jan,

      I totally understand your husband’s hesitation…it is only natural to try to avoid heartbreak. Louie was clearly a member of your family, too. It’s just tough!

      I do know we will get another pup, but not for a bit. We do have a cat and I think she is quite lonely now without Flora.

      Thanks so much for your condolences! Having this blog is keeping my mind from dwelling, it is a very good thing!

      Hugs, Lynn

  20. Those of us who have had the honor of loving and being loved by a dog know how you are hurting.
    Our furry family members may leave our homes but never our hearts!
    Bless you for making Flora’s last hours full of love and surrounded by family.
    Remember-we will all meet again by the rainbow bridge.
    Much love-

    1. Good Morning Joy,

      What a lovely message. I completely believe that it is an honor to love and be loved by a dog! They are just such perfect beings…we should all be that good. I know she is feeling better and I know she will be waiting at that Bridge for us!

      Have a great day,


  21. Lynn,
    I am very sad to hear about Flora. The loss of a loved animal is so very hard. My heart goes out to you and your family.
    Thinking about my two cats that are getting up in age my Sam is 16 and my Sid is 18, she is a little pistol. She acts like a kitten or a young adult cat. Sam was a feral cat we took in while living in California. He has been a big baby forever. Since we brought him home. Has never liked to go
    Outside. Very scared of any noise. He livid though his mother being killed by a bobcat. So at 5 weeks old , I became his mother.
    It’s going to be very hard when their time comes.
    So my heart goes out to you.

    1. Oh Karen, I hear you.

      Sid and Sam sound wonderful! They are clearly living their best lives with you. And We also took in a feral kitten years ago and she was a hot mess!

      We all know that when we adopt a pet, we accept that heartbreak will be in the relatively near future. It’s a part of the deal, they just don’t live long enough. That said, those four-legged loves enrich our lives and so we keep going back in, knowing the eventual outcome.

      Thanks for your kind condolences.


  22. Lynn, I am so sorry for the loss of your fur baby.
    Having been through this 4 times in the last couple of decades, (3 beloved dogs and one oh-so-spoiled kitty), I know your heart is breaking. It will mend as the memories of your time with her bring more smiles than tears.
    You are so right about how we dive right back in to adopting another fuzzy face, time after time, even while knowing that their lives are so very short. What a privilege it is to have these angels in our lives and to offer them love and happiness for the short time they have on this earth.
    Flora was lucky to call you her mama.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Liz.

      Yes, those of us who love our fur babies know that heartbreak is inevitable. And you comment that it is a privilege to have them in our lives! That is exactly how we feel.

      Thanks again for taking the time to write that sweet note. It is very much appreciated.

      Hugs, Lynn

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