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Monday Musings, April 20

Despite everything else being canceled, you know what is not canceled? Monday Musings! Monday Musings will not be canceled! Take that Coronavirus!

So, my friend, are you adjusting to this new, hopefully temporary, normal?

Other than not being able to see our daughter and my parents, we are doing just fine. I could certainly use some recommendations for Netflix and Amazon Prime if you have them!

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I am reading a lot! I’ve always had books on my nightstand, but I have carved out a bit more time for reading in the past month. I just finished Roseanna by Per Wahloo and Maj Sjowall. It was originally published in 1965 and is credited with fathering the Scandinavian detective genre. It was a good read!

And now I’m on to a little fluffier book, Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. It had been in my library queue for too long and I finally just bought it on Amazon since my library is currently closed. So far, so good.

So, two weeks ago, I proposed my ‘I did this…’ list of accomplishments I could claim once we were free to go back to our ‘previous-ish’ daily lives. Well, suffice it to say, reviewing this list is a good motivation as my accomplishments have been meager.

  • Make pita bread...eh, decided I really didn’t want to do that.
  • Make yogurt, without milk since we don’t have any...ditto. I mean, they both sounded like good projects in theory, but… Actually, I am going to swap out pita bread and yogurt for my sourdough starter which I have been attending to for the past week!
  • Finish 2 paintings…I’ve got some ideas…but haven’t put paint to canvas yet.
  • Make a sofa table…actually, I’ve been toiling away on this! Hopefully, we can make some good progress today. Fingers crossed! In my mind’s eye, I will have a faux marble-topped table. I have done the faux marbling and am thrilled with how it turned out. Wanna see? Here are the top and sides of the table, stacked with one of the paintings that will be reworked.
  • Paint a chest that belonged to my dad…I have filled in some gouges and took off the hardware, but there it sits.
  • Create 3 new knit and crochet patterns…I did one! See below!
  • Create a video for my knitting friends who want to learn to crochet (because many of you have asked!) Woot! Can cross that off of my list!
  • List some stuff on eBay...nope
  • Go into the woods and ‘harvest’ some ferns since I can’t get to the garden center...did this, but they died! I am going to attempt it again, this time, trying to keep the root system more intact.
  • Read “Atomic Habits”…nope

How is your ‘I did this…’ list coming along? Have you crossed anything off over the past 2 weeks?

So, yes! I did publish a new washcloth pattern! Thus far, every washcloth pattern I have posted has been a knit pattern with a wee bit of crochet on the edge. But now I’ve ventured further into crochet, and this washcloth is entirely crochet.

Several readers asked for some basic crochet instruction, so if you have never crocheted before, then this simple washcloth is the project for you! I made a video showing the basic stitches you need for this sweet Lemon Peel Stitch Crochet Washcloth Pattern! And if you are familiar with crochet, then this is right up your alley too!

Oh, and you can download these little ‘wraps’ if you want to gift them. These are actually going to a friend of mine who is sewing us some masks! Strange times indeed…crochet washcloths in exchange for face masks!

This Margarita recipe is one of the blog’s all-time most popular posts! And for a good reason. My dad painstakingly perfected this recipe for years. Cinco de Mayo is in 2 weeks, my friend…surely we will not let COVID-19 rob us of well-deserved Margaritas!

Are you pining away to get your hands in the soil? We can still plan, right? In fact, my caladium bulbs arrived this past week and I’m expecting some perennials I ordered to arrive this week. Start planning your Container Gardens with these tips and suggestions.

Well friends, I am off to work on my table and make my son doughnuts for a late breakfast. These are ‘cheater’ doughnuts that use refrigerated biscuit dough. I’ve never made them before, but we are going to give them a whirl.

Stay safe, take care of yourself and each other.


Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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    1. Well my friend, it does look like we still have time to get some stuff done! But, with any luck, we’ll be opening in the next two weeks, so I need to get busy! C’mon! Let’s do this!

  1. I love your musings, and the fact that they are not cancelled brings me great joy!! I love your list too, looks a lot like mine, so ambitious and the reality is while I am getting so much done I have many more things on my to-do list! Can’t wait to see your table!! You inspire me Lynn!

  2. Nope. I used to make my margaritas similar to yours. But a wife of a friend made these. Now, this girl had very few qualities, you’d say are commenable, but this one..she married a childhood friend of husband’s. So here are her margaritas…try them. You’ll see.
    Crazy Angelique’s Margarita
    1 6 oz can frozen limeade
    Fill same can with tequila
    Fill same can with Grand Marnier
    Mix in blender then fill blender with ice. Use those margarita glasses. And have fun…but watch out
    PS. Tested with my 42 group and my bunko group and family. Hands down, A+ win . As host, I abstain cause someone has to drive them home. Lol

    1. Oh Martha, you made me laugh! First off, your description of your friend’s wife! (I hope she isn’t a reader!) 😂😂

      In reading over that recipe, I’m not sure I’d be able to walk afterward? Do I read that right that there is twice as much alcohol as limeade? Holy cow! No wonder your friends love it and no wonder you abstain!!!

      I’ll cautiously give it a try! And cheers to Angelique!



  3. Since you are reading “Little Fires Everywhere” you should watch the series on Hulu. I do not knit or crochet but your wonderful sister-in-law Pam made me some washcloths. They are my favorite and I love them!
    Stay safe and healthy,

    1. Aw, I did’t know you and Pam were buddies! You need to get her crocheting for you now!

      I do want to watch the show on Hulu…making myself finish reading it before I watch.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Terry!

      Have a great day and stay safe.



  4. Lynn-thanks for all your inspiring projects! Well at the beginning you may think Little Fires Everywhere is fluffier but hang on to your seat if it’s anything like the TV series.
    We have been binging Luther on Prime/Hulu and Cardinal on Hulu. They are both really good. I don’t know if you’d like Money Heist on Netflix but it is set in Spain and very different. Also, I don’t know if you can even get it anymore but I once read a book called Floreanna which is about homesteaders on one of the Galápagos Islands during WWII. The reality of truly living by your own means, starting a farm, a family and dealing with life’s challenges is amazing. Sorry I don’t recall the author’s name but her granddaughter runs a little gift shop/hotel on Floreanna and signs the books. Maybe a trip to the Galapagos when COVID-19 is just a memory.

    1. Hi Penny! Such great suggestions! We LOVE Luther, so I’ll try Cardinal and Money Heist. Don’t you love Idris Elba!? And the book Floreanna is really intriguing to me…I’m going to see if I can track it down!

      OK…need to get back into Little Fires. I started it and then, while I was enjoying it, I switched over to Unorthodox! I don’t often do that, but hey…it’s Coronavirus so all the norms are out the window!

      Thanks for the great suggestions my friend.

      Stay safe!!!



  5. Lovely post. I am having problem with completing tasks right now. However, I think I can manage this pattern. Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are so very welcome Karyn! It is a strange time, we have all this time on our hands…yet there is so much uncertainty and anxiety. It does make it hard to be productive. I’m trying!

      Be kind to yourself, my friend.

      Have a great day.



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