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Things To Do When You Have to Stay at Home

Ideas of things to do when you have to stay at home.

Welcome to our new normal…hopefully, a TEMPORARY new normal. Since we are all doing our part by staying at home, my daughter and I brainstormed some ideas to keep you occupied and productive while still socially distanced.

21 Things To Do When You Have to Stay at Home

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Learn a new skill! Ever consider canning?

jars of canned chicken stock

Order a box of birthday cards, address them and get them ready to send when appropriate. And, if you feel like really brightening someone’s day, add one of these wind-up butterflies to put in the card.

While you are at it, update your address book.

Get out in your garden! You may not get to peruse the aisles of the garden center, but you can buy seeds and some plants online. I have placed an order at Proven Winners for some perennials for my flower garden and you can get tomato plants through Amazon.

If you don’t have space for a garden, what about putting out a few pots with some vegetables? Bush cucumbers , Jalapeno peppers, and pole beans all do well in pots on a patio.

Coursera is offering a bunch of free courses

Get your Christmas shopping done early online, of course.

Use this time to make a stash of Handmade Christmas gifts. So many of the supplies you need are available online.

Have a Netflix party with friends! Download this Google Chrome Extension, which will allow you to watch simultaneously with friends and chat while you are doing it.

Zoom with friends and family!

  • This is the perfect time to reach out to people that you have not talked to in years!

Organize your photos and as you do, send them to your loved ones…they are bored too!

declutter and organize when you have to stay at home

Clean and organize your house! You won’t be able to take stuff to Goodwill until this is all over, but at least get them ready to go!

  • Sell goods online with eBay.

Clean your car!

Use this time to create new habits. We have more time on our hands, so you can establish new and better morning & nighttime routines.

Make every meal a sit-down meal. Maybe even get dressed up, set the table, enjoy the company. I am going to make this pork tenderloin recipe with fig preserves for my family this week, set the table nicely, and make sure everyone gets dressed up for our special dinner.

set the table for a nice dinner when you have to stay at home.

Start that workout routine you have been meaning to start! Do not let closed gyms prevent you from staying active! It will improve your mental health also.

  • Start walking…but make sure you wear sunscreen!
  • If you have a stationary bike or treadmill at home, Peloton is offering a 90-day free trial of their classes!
  • Nike Training Club waived the monthly fee on its premium service. They offer yoga, body-weight, and at-home workouts.
  • Planet Fitness is live streaming free at-home workouts on their Facebook page every day!

Host a virtual wine and cheese party! Gather some friends, order the same bottles of wine and the same cheeses from the grocery store or from Amazon/Whole Foods, get together either on Zoom or Facetime and taste, sip and compare notes!

Have Christmas in April! Decorate your house for Christmas and bake Christmas cookies. Turn on your AC and light a fire.

Mixologist, Morgan McKinney is offering basic cocktail-making courses online. Stay tuned to her Instagram for future classes.

Here’s a list of online games you can play with friends.

Once again, not technically ‘staying at home’, but still socially distanced, drive to places in town you have never seen before…but stay in the car!

So, what are some of the things you are doing to stay productive and happy while we have to stay at home?

Please share your suggestions! I’d love to add them.

Pin the following image to refer back to this post on 22 things to do when you have to stay at home?

images of things to do when you have to stay at home
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Until next time…

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Thank you for those great suggestions! Like everyone ,we are trying to stay busy an productive and positive.

    1. Hi Mary! I do hope you can find a few of these suggestions to help fill your day!

      Stay safe and healthy, my friend.



  2. Lynn, these are amazing, you rock! So many versatile and great ideas! I learn from you all the time!! Thank you!

  3. I love these ideas EXCEPT the Starbuck’s parking lot one. In states, such as PA, where the governor has given stay-at-home orders for most counties, I’m sure this would be frowned upon, if not outright prohibited. Although we are still allowed to go out walking, as long as social distancing is practiced, gatherings of any kind are strongly discouraged. Let’s not prompt them into making it a law. Some areas had to close their parks even to walkers, because the social distancing orders were being ignored. The sooner we all put these guidelines into practice, the quicker we will beat this thing.

    1. Good point BetteAnn! Now that some states are really cracking down, we shouldn’t be congregating at all.

      And I am so with you! The sooner we bite the bullet and get serious about this ‘stay at home’, the better.

      Take care of yourself, my friend.



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