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Monday Musings, October 19

Good Morning, my friends.

For the past 2 months, Flora and I meet my mom outside of her apartment at 6:50 every morning for a socially distanced walk. I started doing this after her pup, Bernie, died to keep her company on her morning ramble. Mom and I have always been close; rarely a day goes by without us chatting at least once a day by phone. But these walks have become something that feeds both of our hearts and souls.

Our conversations cover many topics; we talk about friends, family, movies, books and my dad. Mom has always been an avid reader and, as such, is a font of fun facts.

Today, she shared a fun fact that just made me smile and has to be shared with you! Did you know that the mystery writer, Agatha Christie, is purported to be a stand-up surfing pioneer? That mental image just made my day!

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The weather this weekend was glorious and we much of it working in the yard. Do you save the potting soil in your pots from year to year? I just set it aside over the winter and add some Osmocote and maybe some compost to it in the Spring before I use it again.

We also brought out our coldframe which will house a lovely geranium/coleus container garden and some Boston ferns over the winter.

I may have been a little early digging up my caladiums…but they were really starting to look puny. I will be overwintering them in the garage so that I don’t have to buy new bulbs in the Spring.

When we cleaned up the vegetable garden, my tomato plants still had a few green tomatoes on them. In my quest to be a better kitchen steward and reduce food waste by using what is available as opposed to running to the store to buy more food, we used those green tomatoes and herbs from our garden to make this delicious Shrimp and Grits! I had everything except the shrimp, which was on sale this week.

The book that really reframed my thinking to be a more economical and seasonal cook was An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler. It is a quick and lovely read.

A good number of folks have downloaded the printable 2020 Thanksgiving Planner this past week. I know Thanksgiving is still 5 weeks away, but it isn’t too early to start planning.

Well, my beauties! I am finishing up a fun little post for this week and then I want to start painting the guest rooms…which I think I said I was going to do last week!

Wishing you a wonderful day with images of a surfing Agatha Christie!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Love hearing that about Agatha Christie! And so glad you soul is being fed from your daily walks with your Mom, something tells me it’s feeding her just as much if not more! How would you suggest I keep my caladium bulbs? Would love to try to revive them next year, since our garage does freeze in the winter, would storing them in the basement work?

    1. Hi friend,

      We are so enjoying our morning walks! Does us both good.

      As it relates to your caladiums, dig them up when temps don’t get above 60 F and leave the stems/leaves on for a couple of weeks until they dry out. Then, Store them at 50 F in a dry place. It helps to keep them in sand or sawdust to prevent them from drying out too much.

      Many hugs, Lynn

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