News from the Nest, May 30
I’ve got to be honest, my friends. It is hard to pop in every Monday all bright and chipper just days after another mass shooting in my country. I am heartbroken and at a loss for words that haven’t already been spoken. I just continue to pray that our leaders come together to find some common-sense solutions that address this ongoing tragedy.
At the same time, one of my goals with this blog is to be a soft landing space for my readers. An escape from the chaos of our world and, at times, our lives. So, with that goal, we will continue to press on in the same spirit of a ripple of water in a pond.
I hope you consider this blog a comforting hug and a warm cup of tea or coffee each Monday. And I hope that this hug and cup are just what you needed to face your day with a smile on your face. And I know that if you face your day with a smile on your face, your smile will put a smile on someone else’s face. And in that way, I hope that this post is a pebble that causes the ripples.

Table of Contents
Today in the US, we celebrate Memorial Day
Memorial Day is the day we set aside to honor and remember our military members who have lost their lives defending our country. It is a day that also typically marks the beginning of summer in the US and is celebrated with picnics, barbecues, days at the beach, and family gatherings.
If you are looking for a quick treat to celebrate the day, these red, white, and blue cookies might be just what you need! And be sure to tuck the recipe away for the Fourth of July too!
New on the Blog
You might remember the survey a few months back concerning what you would like to see more of on the blog. One of the subjects that filtered to the top of the list was ‘more main dish recipes.’ With that in mind, I’ve got two new recipes for you!
- Chicken Curry Marinade is a nice change-up from barbecue and teriyaki marinades.
- Use leftover chicken from the grilled curry chicken or any other recipe to make this Curried Chicken Salad.
Other Bits and Bobs of Useful Things
Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.
- Today is National ‘Water a Flower Day’, recognizing the beginning of the season of caring for our plants (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway!) If you are not composting, your plants would love it if you started!
- Need some Container Garden Ideas?
- One of my all-time favorite computer tips is that you can undo mistakes simply with CTRL-Z. If you accidentally delete something, you can get it back with CTRL-Z! I know, I know. You are so very welcome.
- O.K., I need some advice. I bolded that because I REALLY need advice! What is the best soap scum remover for shower doors? We are getting ready to give our Master Bath a bit of a makeover, but the shower doors are staying. After 15 years, they are looking a little ‘tired’ and need some spiffying up. Please share with me your recommendations for the best soap scum remover. Many thanks in advance.
- Father’s Day is just around the corner. If you are looking for gift ideas for guys who like to spend time in the kitchen, check out these recommendations from my foodie brother.
- Need some summer book recommendations? Check out Modern Mrs. Darcy’s printable Summer Reading Guide.
- It is always fun to see what is trending on the blog…this weekend it seems that my dad’s Margarita Recipe was quite popular…And for good reason! If you like a fresh, not too sweet, Margarita, you need to tuck this recipe into your cocktail recipe binder.
- Cheddar Cheese Dog Treats...just because.
Making Things
- I am knitting one of these Half-Linen Stitch Blankets with Faux Fur for one of Kate’s friends who is getting married next month!
- If you like the Half-Linen Stitch as much as I do (it’s a great stitch that lays flat!), try this purse! It continues to be my mom’s summer purse several years later. She loves that she can wash it by easily removing the leather straps
Money-Saving Things
If you are in the market for a Kitchen-Aid Stand Mixer, mark your calendar for this Wednesday, June 1. I can’t imagine not having this workhorse in my kitchen. If you need a wedding gift this summer, this is a great deal and a welcome gift. Their stand mixers will be 33% off, plus you can get another 10% off if you sign up for their emails. Use code Kv25G0X
Well, my friends, let’s keep the faith that brighter days are ahead. I am going to spend the rest of the morning soaking up my daughter, before she and her menagerie head back north.
With warm hugs,
Wait a minute! I love the purse pattern and have it downloaded but just noticed something. I have downloaded other things and saved things from your interesting items before but I must never have scrolled all the way through. There is a treasure trove of really great things here. All of the yarn info, needle charts, information that will make a great binder for organizing projects. I am going to be so busy today!
Aw shucks…thanks Joan! I’m blushing!
I am so glad you found some fun stuff…I love that binder. I finally feel I know what yarn I have! It was a good exercise to get it all sorted and catalogued.
Wishing you a wonderful day of organizing.
Hugs, Lynn
I love this, and yes you are creating ripples in a pond. It’s just incomprehensible what is happening in our beautiful country not to mention the world. It’s really telling when most jobs being advertised are in the mental health field. and it’s so sad when you hear that there were obvious signs that a person needs help. I don’t know what the solution is but it’s nice to have distractions such as your sweet blog to read. Happy Memorial Day Lynn. Jan in MA
Hi Jan,
Yes, I know several people who are having a very hard time finding counselors and mental health support. All the more reason for extra kindness on our part.
Thanks for the kind words! You know I love this little career of mine, but it is so nice to hear the good vibes coming from readers like you.
Enjoy the day!
I did not find the recipe for the cheese biscuits. I am disappointed in your blog and will discontinue reading your posts. They are too filled with advertisements and ads for products.
Marilyn Lissner
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t realize the recipe card wasn’t showing up, I’ve since fixed it if you do want the recipe. I am sorry you are disappointed…like magazines and newspapers, bloggers ‘pay the bills’ with advertisements; they are a necessary evil. But unlike newspapers and magazines, bloggers don’t charge you to read their blogs.
In any event, I appreciate the feedback.
Hi Lynn, Your pebble is causing the ripples here in the Canadian Rocky Mountains! I’m sending my care, concern and virtual hugs to all of you south of the border. We can’t ever lose hope for a brighter and better future.
That said, your request for the best shower door cleanser got me motivated to scrub mine this morning. I’ve used the Method line of cleansers for years – who doesn’t love smelling spearmint when scrubbing the toilet? But, when all else fails, I rely on good old baking soda on a damp cloth and some elbow grease. PS. No, I’m not affiliated with the Method company, just really like using their dish soap, bathroom cleanser and daily shower spray.
Hi Mary,
We sure can use all the prayers and hugs down here, so thanks for sending them!
I do love those Method cleaners. And I am going to try the baking soda tip. Folks have recommended that along with Dawn and Vinegar. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for sharing your tip and kind words.
Hugs, Lynn
Greetings Lynn!
I know of a good soap scum remover for you. I got this from a former co-worker of mine. It is a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and Dawn Dish Soap.
Put them in a squirt bottle and mix gently. Spray on the tile and shower doors and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to turn on the exhaust fan. Wipe with a wet sponge and rinse off. Easy Peasy!
Happy cleaning!
Hi Gail,
It seems this is the secret soap scum recipe that everyone knows about but me! I am giving it a whirl today…does it work on built up scum? I’ve been trying to deal with it for a couple of years, and it just has slowly built up. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks again for the tip!
Hugs, Lynn
Hey Sweet Lady!
Thanks for the Monday Positivity Check, after a rather trying week last week (a friend passed away, so there was his funeral and we had a swarm of termites that wasn’t very fun and also my son had his ingrown toenail taken out, etc etc and that’s not even to mention the news of the shooting in my state.) it’s great to get some positive emails.
I read what one other reader said about advertisements and I want to let you know, you answered her with such grace. I think most people who read blogs know that there will be some affiliate links. They don’t bother me one bit!
Thanks again for the lovely uplifting blog today.
Thanks so much, Maggie! I needed that!
I am so sorry for all the sadness and frustration in your world and your state. You surely did have a full bucket of sadness and yuck. I’m hoping that this will be a much better week for you.
My son had an ingrown toenail when he was younger too…argh. He had to get half of one of his toenails permanently removed and it hasn’t been an issue since. But man, that was an ordeal.
And thanks for the comment about ads…it is a fine line and I try to walk as close to that line as possible. I know without question that the number of ads on my site is much less than many other bloggers because I am below the recommended settings. But nevertheless, they are, as I call them, a necessary evil. The reader that wrote that did respond and was very understanding, I think she was just frustrated at the moment.
I so appreciate you writing in and gifting me with your kind words!
Many Hugs!
Hi Lynn,
We too just returned from Italy, specifically, Tuscany. A beautiful country and a fabulous vacation. I feel spoiled, but it was a very nice break from the troubles in our world.
Thanks for the purse pattern. It’s on my list to try…after I finish the argyle baby blanket. Thank you for all you share.
FYI…I tried the link for the Kitchenaid mixer and the promo code isn’t valid. Any suggestions?
Hi Cheryl,
So glad you enjoyed Italy as much as we did. It is one country I could go back to every year.
And sounds like you have your knit queue taken care of for a while! That’s a good thing.
As it relates to the KitchenAid, I am very disappointed in how that whole thing went down. The promo wasn’t what it was advertised to me that it would be. Only one mixer is on sale, the 5-quart mixer. If you are looking for a 5 quart, it is a good deal. And the promo code wasn’t required, even though I was told it would be. I’m sorry for the frustration.
Hi Lynn,
From north of the border in Ontario, I look forward to your Monday emails. Your library has a good array of patterns, ideas, recipes and organizational tips. Thank you for those.
Our hearts in the North go out to you all south of the border with the recent events. So many unnecessary lives lost…so sad. Big hugs go out to you, your family, email subscribers and the rest of the country.
We have very hard water where we live. It’s hard to keep that shower door clean of soap scum build up. I’ve tried chemicals which I don’t like. Also, need to be careful if you have marble around the door frame with chemicals as the marble will discolour. One thing to try is definitely the Dawn and vinegar. Another tip I was given was to use a Lysol/Chlorox
wipe when it is cleaned. But I think the most important thing that helps is using the squeegee every time.
Thank you for bringing a smile to my face every Monday as I get to know your family, try new patterns and travel with you on the trips you’ve taken.
Many hugs,