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News from the Nest, February 24

Good Morning, Friends!

Well, it’s official…I have Spring Fever.

We worked in the yard on the gorgeous Sunday, which sealed my diagnosis. We trimmed a bunch of bushes that were already showing signs of buds. Hardy little blades of green grass are noticeable among the otherwise taupe/gray grass blades that blanket the yard. I actually had shorts on while working in the yard! Terry, of course, was bundled up from top to toe.

This time last week, I told you about Elsa and my appointment with an Animal Behaviorist at NC State School of Medicine. Well, in typical Elsa fashion, despite being vaccinated, she was diagnosed with Kennel Cough the next day! So, we are rescheduled for next Friday. Keep your 🤞🏼she doesn’t come down with the bubonic plague between now and then.

I need to get more exercise. UGH. I’m not a gym person or a class person, so I get my exercise by walking very briskly. My heretofore 2.5 miles a couple of times a week hasn’t been doing it, so I’m bumping it to 3.5 miles almost every day, AND I ordered myself a weighted vest, which came this weekend. We know that weight-bearing exercise helps with bone strength, so my plan is to wear it while I walk…hence, weight-bearing exercise! My only saving grace in my new exercise regime is that it gives me more time to listen to my books on tape. Y’all…I’ve so enjoyed discovering books that I LOVE.

The most recent book that I literally could not stop listening to and which kept me company for many miles was Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, narrated by Jeremy Irons. Yes, we all know it is about pedophilia, which then makes you question why I enjoyed it so much. In a nutshell, Nabokov is a brilliant, clever, colorful, wildly descriptive writer and Irons did a phenomenal job narrating it. It was heartbreaking, disturbing, and, at the same time, often humorous. I’m now discovering other books of his that I had never heard of.

New on the Blog

I have two posts I’m excited to share with you today!

  • You know all those lovely waxed Amaryllis bulbs you see everywhere? They are quite popular over the holidays, but their beauty shouldn’t be relegated to only Christmas. They come in many lovely colors that should be enjoyed late winter into early spring. The only drawback to buying and filling your home with these stately beauties is their price tag! Cha-ching! Well, I researched and figured out how to wax Amaryllis bulbs at home at a third of the price!
waxed amaryllis bulb
  • While I have an assortment of Sourdough and Sourdough Discard recipes, I didn’t have a Basic Sourdough Bread recipe—until now! This is my go-to, foolproof Sourdough Boule recipe I regularly make at home.
Sourdough Bread

From the Knit + Crochet Studio

  • Crochet a bookmark crafted with your favorite embroidery floss colors. This sweet, free crochet bookmark pattern brings a touch of nature and whimsy to your reading routine and makes an excellent gift for your favorite bibliophile!
Five crocheted bookmarks.
  • I like the Chinese Wave Stitch Pattern it creates for the loft. It has a thickness that you don’t get with many knit stitches. In addition to the texture, it is a very pretty pattern, which is why I used it for these Chinese Wave Washcloths, which also sport a darling little crochet picot edge!
Washcloth in a gold box.

From the Kitchen

  • If you love the tangy flavor of sourdough and are looking for a creative way to use up your sourdough starter discard, these homemade sourdough discard tortillas are the perfect solution. Not only do they help minimize kitchen waste, but they also add a unique twist to traditional tortillas with their subtle sourdough taste.
Stack of sourdough discard tortillas.
  • I don’t know anyone who isn’t trying to tighten their budget, especially when it comes to food. Everything seems to be getting more expensive these days. These healthy recipes for delicious and affordable meals will help you eat well without blowing through your grocery budget.
A variety of images of frugal dinner recipes.
  • It’s hard to beat a warm, comforting meal that is made without much fuss. This easy Potato Leek Soup recipe combines the simplicity of fresh ingredients with the convenience of slow cooking, resulting in a delicious and effortless dish. And not for nothing, this is one of those frugal meals that are also healthy.
A Bowl of Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup.
  • If you are suffering from Spring Fever like I am, this recipe might give you a little bit of the Spring Feels. This easy Strawberry Crisp Recipe requires just 15 minutes of hands-on time. Then the oven works its magic, resulting in strawberries swimming in their lovely syrup and topped with a crunchy, crumbly oatmeal streusel.
bowl of strawberry crisp with whipped cream and strawberry
  • Ask my husband what he’d like for dessert for a special occasion, and there’s a good chance he’ll request a Brownie Sundae. But not just any Brownie Sundae, it needs to have hard toffee and caramel sauce as part of the plan. Enter this Brownie Sundae Recipe! Now you need to find or make up an excuse to make this treat!
Brownie Sundae with Toffee Bits and Caramel Sauce
  • Whether you’re looking for a delightful snack, a homemade gift, or a creative way to elevate your desserts, these chocolate-covered almonds are the way to go. Not only are they inherently yummy (almonds AND chocolate!), but they are so easy to make and customize.
Bowl of Chocolate Covered Almonds

From the Arts + Crafts Studio

  • If you can sew a straight line and read a ruler, you’ll have no problem making this Bed Skirt with Inverted Box Pleats. Not only is this an easy project, but it is also very practical and functional. At the request of many, I have finally put the instructions in a PDF, making it easier for you to work with.
A bedroom with a bed in a room
  • You need an old window with at least one pane of glass, some shells (or pebbles, buttons, sea glass, etc.), and glue to make some window art.
Window with shells glued on.

In the Home

collage with images related to 50 plus household chores
  • Last year, I reorganized our living room bookshelves. The previous arrangement didn’t sit well with me. I sought advice from a decorator friend and am sharing her tips for decorating bookshelves.
Bookshelves after employing decorating tips.

Whatcha Reading or Listening to?

Well, it’s the end of the month, which means it is time to update my book ‘reviews.’ For the past several years, I’ve joined the Goodreads Reading Challenge. If you need some book titles to add to your reading queue this year, you can check out my quick and dirty reviews here.

I mentioned that I’ve thoroughly benefited from every penny of my Audible subscription. Last year I listened to all of Charles Dickens’ books while I went about my daily chores and projects. I’ve decided that 2025 will be my year for Russian authors.

If you like to listen while you work (declutter 😉), here’s also a list of podcasts I’ve enjoyed.

Well, mes amis, it’s the start of a new week! I hope it is a good one for you. I’ll be over here continuing to get posts written to share, hoofing it to get my daily 3.5 miles, listening to Nabokov, and sneaking in a wee bit of yard work when possible.

Until next week…HUGS

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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