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House Paint Touch-Up Kit For Quick Repairs

This little House Paint Touch-Up Kit makes touching up your walls easy and efficient.

I’ve shared on numerous occasions that I am ‘decision-making’ challenged. Heaven forbid we decide to go to a Baskin-Robbins! I mean, who can choose one flavor when there are 31 options!?

That being said, it shouldn’t surprise you that pictures are often moved around in our home.

Either I’ll walk past a picture for 6 months saying to myself for 6 months, ‘that picture is too high’ and finally decide to lower it, or I’ll move pictures from one room to another or (happy dance) we will invest in a new painting; the end result is that I am often putting new nail holes in the wall and patching old holes. Recently we replaced our thermostats and a bathroom light fixture, both of which necessitated patching and repainting that area of the wall.

After too many years of going into the garage and finding the right paint can, a brush, the spackling, the putty knife, and the sandpaper I finally had a lightbulb moment and decided I needed a mini House Paint Touch-Up kit that I could easily store in my laundry room.

This little kit stores in one of those plastic lidded boxes that you can get at Walmart or the Dollar Store for $1.

House Paint Touch up Kit containg a small container of the paint, a small container of spackling, sandpaper, mini roller and brushes.

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What’s in My House Paint Touch-Up Kit

I had many of these items in my garage so I spent just about $10 to put this little kit together.

I discovered, after filling many nail holes, that it is best to use the same applicator for the patch as the wall was originally painted with. Since my walls are rolled, this little roller was key to getting a flawless and blended finish on my patched walls.

Mini Roller and Tray

I know that not everyone faces the same ‘challenges’ as I do with decision-making, but it you often find yourself lugging your gallon paint can in the house and prying open the metal lid just to touch up a 1″ square area of your wall, then this mini House Paint Touch-Up Kit has your name all over it!

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House Paint Touch Up Kit containing small containers of paint and spackling, sandpaper, mini roller and brushes.
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Signature of Lynn

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  1. Hello Lynn!
    The paint repair kit is another great organizational idea! I have had to repair two walls in two rooms within the past six weeks. Each time I had to search for and gather the tools before beginning the project. I love this idea of yours. A great time-saver! Thank you again for making my life easier!

    Much appreciation from one military brat to another! Brooke

    1. Hi Brooke~ I hope all is well with you and your family!

      I love that little paint kit. I keep it on a shelf in my laundry room and it is so handy to pull out and fix whatever needs fixing! It was born from exactly the frustration you’ve recently experienced. And the supplies are so inexpensive, it is well worth having one in the home and in the garage.

      And from one Military Brat to another, you are welcome! Was your dad Army?


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