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Monday Musings, July 19

Hi friends! I missed you last week!

I skipped last Monday’s Musing as I pretty much unplugged from technology from last Friday through Monday. We were invited to spend a long weekend with friends that I’ve known for…40 years! Yikes…I wish I hadn’t just taken the time to figure that out! We spent the weekend at their lake home on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia and it was sheer bliss. Without exaggeration, we spent 90% of our awake time just talking! We solved an incredible number of world problems!

In all honesty, at a time when there is so much dissension in our country, the four of us, who are all over the place politically, were able to discuss and politely disagree. It was cathartic to put our devices down and just ‘be’ with each other. I am even more convinced that if we all just spent more time one on one, with devices tucked away, we could go a long way to healing the wounds in our country.

You all probably figured this out long before I did, but just in case… I turned the disposal on not knowing that there was a spoon in it! 😨 Needless to say, it came out pretty rough around the edges…literally. I decided to try to smooth the rough edges down with an emery board and it worked like a charm! Sandpaper would work well too.

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I’ve been talking about and promising to start an ‘all about knitting’ series for those of you who would like to learn this fun hobby. Well, I’ve finally started! I thought about waiting until it is all done before I started posting, but then I decided, ‘nah’ and so I’ve posted the first two ‘all about’ knitting posts. The first post is ‘All about Knitting Needles‘ and includes a printable Needle Conversion Chart that also includes crochet hook sizes.

The second post is ‘All about Yarn‘! Who knew there were so many things to say about Yarn! We discuss Yarn Weights and how to determine them, the fibers that are typically used to make yarn, what is ply and why should you care, and how to read a yarn label. There is also a printable Yarn Weights Chart for you to download.

I initially just used this Molli Ollie tote just for my knitting projects, but now I use it to tote my laptop, mouse, mousepad and datebook up and downstairs. I also keep it at my feet when we are travelling with the bits and bobs I want access to when in the car. It has really proven so very handy and useful.

Take just a wee bit of time to Organize Table Linens, you’ll be thankful the next time you set your table for entertaining.

I have used this Housepaint Touch-up Kit so many times since I first put it together.

This Saturday, July 24, is National Tequila Day. Make sure to mix up a pitcher of my dad’s famous Margaritas to celebrate (and send up a cheers to dad!)

I could wax on about these Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars for days, but I’ll let these wonderful reviews speak for them:

This was the first cookie I learned to bake in 7th grade Home-Economics class many years ago. This recipe is a big step up. WOW – Delicious!! Husband loves them too, and we agree they definitely work with coffee as a morning treat, reminding us of a very tasty coffee cake. The soft middle is so good! We hadn’t quite finished the first pan when I baked the second pan….half of which I passed along to our dear friends as a bonus dessert for them tonight. She’s now having some with a pot of tea. My go-to cookie normally involves chocolate in some way…..now there’s some competition!


I made these for my family to take on a recent camping trip. Everyone LOVED them! I loved them so much that I contemplated making them again as soon as we got home, until I stepped on the scale! Ha! I’ll wait a couple more days…. maybe. Thanks, Lynn, for a delicious recipe!


This Spiced Golden Plum Jam is getting a good deal of attention lately! I have to admit, it is really quite delcious.

I sure hope you have a wonderful week. Take care of yourself and those you love!

Many hugs,

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Hello Lynn, it felt good to read your post today. Indeed, my country and especially my small town has just suffered terrible floods and everything has been devastated. I was spared this disaster but many of my friends are in distress. I help them clean their house filled with mud and water. Solidarity warms the heart. Kisses.

    1. Oh Mima,

      I am so glad to hear from you. I was just watching on the television about the flooding in Western Germany and it truly broke my heart. We spent some time in your beautiful country several years ago and are anxious to come back and explore the western part of it. I am so glad you are safe and am very sad for your friends. I can only imagine the challenge ahead of you all, but like you said, working together will get it done.

      Sending you and your town wishes and prayers for a quick recovery.

      Many hugs, Lynn

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