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News from the Nest, April 11

Buongiorno, amici miei!

We are busy practicing our Italian as one week from today, we will be in Praiano, on the Amalfi Coast! We have been planning variations of this trip for two years and are so excited that it is finally upon us. We will meet up with some friends and spend 11 days in Italy. Terry and I will then head to London for a long weekend and then I will stay an extra week with a girlfriend of mine who lives in North Yorkshire, England. All in, I will be gone for three weeks, which pretty much is the maximum time I like to be away from home.

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I am pretty much packed, as I needed to make sure I was going to be able to fit everything I need for three weeks into my suitcase. We need heavier clothes as it will still be cold, especially when I am in Northern England. I purchased these vacuum bags for my puffy coat and sweaters. The bags don’t require a pump, you just roll the air out. I sealed coats and sweaters in three of them a week ago and they are still well-sealed and now take up much less room in our suitcases! So far, so good.

We are very excited to go, but have a teensy bit of regret that we are going when we are going. Spring is such a great time of the year and we love working in our yard, getting everything planted and spiffed up! Because we will be gone for so long, we put in some long hours in the yard this weekend. I finished weeding and then planted all the dahlias, lilies, and zinnias in my cutting garden.

I put together several container gardens on our front porch and planted some tall phlox in a side garden. Terry weeded and spread compost over our vegetable garden and put 4 tomatoes in the ground. It is still a bit cold, but I think our frost risk is done…fingers are crossed! I have high expectations for when we return!

So, enough about me! How are you? Has spring sprung where you are?

Remember that Interest Survey I asked you to fill out? Well, your response was phenomenal! I was blown away by how many of you filled it out and left comments. And the comments! All I can say is, ‘thank you!’ I’ve said it before many times, but it bears repeating. I really do love this little job I have created, but it wouldn’t be nearly enjoyable without all of your comments and interactions.

So, the overwhelming majority (62%) of you want to more knit patterns! That is followed by (in order) more container garden Ideas, more healthy main dish recipes, more gardening (in general) posts, more home decorating ideas, more cleaning tips, and more organizing tips! I will get busy planning, researching, and writing to bring you what you want…when I get back!

  • 🌹🌼Herbal Bath Salts are so easy to make and really elevate your bath to a spa event. I made mine with rose, chamomile, and lavender, but you can use whatever dried herbs and flowers you like! Not for nothing, a jar of these bath salts makes a great and very welcome gift.
A close up of herbal bath salts in jars
  • Our daughter (and pup and bunny) came home yesterday for the week. I always like to make some favorite meals when the kids are home. I’ll be making this Shrimp and Grits recipe tonight, it’s been too long since we’ve had it!
Heart shaped dog treats.

Well, my friends, my plan is to get three more posts written and published before we leave. Wish me luck. I will for sure publish a News from the Nest next Monday but then will be quiet for the next two weeks. I considered taking my laptop along and keeping you all updated, but truthfully it came down to one less thing to carry and worry about.

I will publish photos of our travels on Instagram, so if you want to follow along, make sure to follow me there.

Wishing you a wonderful day!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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