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News from the Nest, April 10

What’s up, Buttercup?

What’s the word Hummingbird?

What’s cooking, good-looking?

What’s the deal, big wheel?

What’s shakin’ bacon?

What’s the story, morning glory?

all this to say, “hi! i hope all is good in your world!”

I sure hope you are coming off of an enjoyable weekend. For those who celebrated Easter, I hope family and friends surrounded you. I know many of you are still in the midst of Passover, and I hope you are enjoying a joyous Passover.

Terry and I were alone on Easter weekend for the first time in our married life. With one fledgling across the continent, the other in the midst of studying for a big exam, and my mom visiting my brother and his family, it was just us chickens this weekend. It was quiet, but we stayed busy.

I took a baking class with some friends on Saturday. I learned to bake and braid Challah. The braiding definitely requires patience and concentration, but I think I’m on to it. This was my first attempt…more to follow.

Challah with eggs

Oh, and I cleaned the microwave twice yesterday! The eggs in the Challah weren’t quite cooked through, so I popped them in the microwave for a minute without giving it a thought. In case you didn’t know, eggs actually EXPLODE in a microwave…even mostly cooked eggs. I wish I had taken a picture, but…

I managed the save the three yolks, but everything else was lost. So cleaned the microwave thoroughly, which was no easy task because the egg bits were lodged in every nook, cranny, and vent in the microwave.

But the yolks still weren’t cooked through, so I popped them in a bowl with a plate on top and put them back in at 1 minute, 50% power. And guess what!!?? Those dX@#ned yolks exploded! They even blew the plate off the bowl! So I cleaned the microwave again and fed whatever remaining eggs I could find to Flora.

new on the blog

We are continuing our companion planting series just in time for the beginning of the gardening season! This week we introduced companion plants for cucumbers and tomatoes and those plants you should avoid. I’ve always believed I was practicing companion planting, but I’ve learned so much with this deep dive. So, to recap:

And this Blueberry and Apple Crumble is new this week, too! I just love a good fruit crisp or crumble, especially with extra crispy crumble. This post discusses the best way to get those heavenly golden crispy streusel crumbles on all of your crisp/crumble desserts.

from the knit studio

  • Corbin recently shared the purse she knit, but she added a zippered pouch! What a brilliant idea. She also used the Paintbox Yarn (which is one sale right now!) but chose to use fabric straps instead of leather. As such, the whole purse is washable without having to remove the straps!

  • And look at Maria’s Argyle Baby Blanket for a friend’s newest grandson! Some folks are hesitant about the crochet edge, but you can see in Maria’s that the crochet is not needed at all! It is gorgeous, and I know it will be an heirloom.
Argyle baby blanket knit in blue

in the kitchen

Stacked pieces of brownie brittle.

Did you know that it helps others find our recipes, crafts, and content when you comment and rate (for recipes)? So, if you tried one of our recipes and loved it, let others know! Thank you!

from the craft room

A Flat Turk's Head Knot is perfect for diy coasters & trivets. Instructions (start to finish), with images & videos. Perfect for your kitchen & for gifting.

mother’s day

in the home

Using needle and thread to mend a hole in knit fabric.

in the garden


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favorite finds + looking for recommendations

  • All that moth talk got me thinking of other nasties in the house. Terry and I actively avoid adding any additional chemicals into our world. From growing and purchasing organic vegetables, reading ingredient labels carefully, and canning our food, avoiding chemicals is always at the forefront of our minds. But, we live in the hot and humid south, which brings roaches to our doors on the regular. I didn’t want to sign up for pesticide treatment, so seven years ago, I did some research and started buying this Advion Roach Gel. I can control where I put the gel, primarily in our garage, crawlspace, and outside. My goal is to prevent the little nasties from coming into our home in the first place. I just checked my purchase history, and since 2016 I’ve purchased the 4-tube kit three times, the most recent being last week. Seven years ago, I also purchased the little traps that I can refill with the gel as needed. If you are looking for a way to control pests without a bunch of chemicals and are very economical as well, I highly recommend it.
  • O.K., I shared a product that I rely on, and I’d love it if you shared your favorite nightstand humidifier with me! Pretty please! I’m especially looking for one that is easy to clean. I don’t need many bells and whistles, just low profile, humidifies and is easy to clean. Any suggestions?

Well, friends,

I hope you have a fantastic week! Ours is starting to look a bit busy, so I’m going to hunker down for the next two days to get a good bit done.

Wishing you sunshine and happiness!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. I made the Tomato Soup from last week. I had the tomato sauce but only two cups of broth. From leftovers I added 1/2 can of diced tomatoes, and 1 Tablespoon of tomato paste. I had the rest of ingredients. I live alone so a great recipe to use up tomato leftovers.

    1. Hi Astrid,

      I love that you made do with what you had! It is a mindset that I was too late in adopting, but am fully there now! I sure hope you enjoyed it!

      Hugs, Lynn

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