News from the Nest, February 14 💗
Happy Palentine’s Day! 💗What a great day to celebrate each of you on this day set aside to tell those we value just how much we appreciate them.
Seven years ago this month, I had this little dream of being a blogger. I love to create and make and I had hoped that there was an audience out there who might enjoy my musings, my creations, and the little tips and tricks I’ve come across that make life a little easier.
And WOW! Did you all show up! 💗

I am beyond blessed that I’ve been able to connect with each of you. You represent different continents, different hemispheres, and different languages. Yet, here we are, all under one umbrella sharing common interests. 💗
A little something you might not know, but there is quite a market for blogs like mine that pay a pretty penny. Recently someone asked if I would sell this blog and I didn’t give it a second’s thought. There is no part of me that doesn’t want to keep doing what I’m doing, especially with readers like you on the other end.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making that little dream I had seven years ago a reality. I don’t have the words to express how much I enjoy getting up each day to read your comments and write content that I hope will interest, inspire and motivate you!
So, let’s get down to the business of Brownie Brittle, a Brand New Knit Baby Blanket, Margaritas, Organizing & MORE!
“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” 💗
Linda Grayson
- O.K. put this image in your head: you open the oven to pull out the tray of brownies you just baked. As soon as they are cool enough, you turn your head to make sure no one is looking and then you ‘accidentally’ break off the crispy little bit on the edge or corners of the brownies. If, like me, you do love your crispy brownie edges, then this Brownie Brittle recipe is the recipe for you. And if you aren’t a crispy brownie edge person, but you are a crispy chocolate cookie person, then you’d probably like this recipe too!
- What a week for celebrating! Valentine’s/Galentine’s/Palentine’s Day today and…NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY TOMORROW! We are living right! My sweet dad’s Margarita Recipe remains one of my top posts of all time, for good reason. In fact, I just did a quick look. Over these seven years I have published 679 posts! 😱 I really had no idea. I would’ve said around 500. But I digress! Of those 679 posts, this Margarita Recipe is the 18th MOST POPULAR POST on the blog! So grab some limes and tequila and celebrate National Margarita Day tomorrow!
- Curious what else is in the top 20 posts? Well, it seems that when you are not enjoying Margaritas, you are knitting and organizing (mostly the kitchen). Or, just maybe, you are enjoying your margarita while you are knitting and organizing! You be you! And in your spare time you like to make treats for your 4-legged babies, can Jalapeno Peppers and Dill Pickles. True renaissance people!
- I’ve been promising you a NEW KNIT PATTERN and here it is! You are going to LOVE this too cute Polka Dot Baby Blanket pattern! And if crochet hasn’t been your thing up to now, then I think the crocheted bauble on this blanket will make it your thing. Don’t worry, I have a video showing you how to do it.
- When you make this blanket, do pop over and nab the printable tags so the recipient will know how to care for their new gift.
- Try this cleaning tip for spilled red wine. Combine 3 parts of hydrogen peroxide to 1 part dish detergent. Pour over the stain and let it sit for 20 minutes to 1 hour, then blog with clean towel. Of course, test this in an inconspicuous spot first.
- Speaking of Hydrogen Peroxide, I’ve begun to use it to remove smells in my laundry that just seem imbedded. I just saturate the item and let it sit for a bit then wash in hot water. So far, I’m pleased.
- And further speaking of Hydrogen Peroxide, an opened bottle can last up to 3 years. But once opens, it breaks down rather quickly, 1-6 months. So, once I open a bottle, I look for all the ways to use it as soon as possible.
- Use it to clean your cutting boards
- Soak your makeup brushes in a mixture of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. Let them soak for 7 minutes and then air dry.
- Wipe down the inside of your refrigerator. Hydrogen Peroxide is a great,non-toxic, anti-bacterial.
- Every now and then I need to revisit this post on reducing food waste. I am doing a much better job at managing our refrigerator, but it’s good to be reminded.
- And, I’ve fallen off the wagon on my morning routines! I am redoubling my efforts starting tomorrow (seriously)! I do realize what a difference it makes in reducing my daily stress. Here are some other routines and systems I employ to reduce stress.
Well, Pals 💗…I wish you a wonderful day and a fantastic week. Treat yourselves kindly, in fact, pamper yourselves this week! You deserve it.
Until next week…