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Monday Musings, April 26

Good Morning, my friends!

I do hope you are coming off of a lovely weekend. Since we are fully vaccinated, we were able to enjoy our first big foray back into the world this weekend attending the wedding of a good friend. It was so nice to be almost normal; I am a hugger and it felt so good to hug people!

Terry and I successfully wrapped up our Week of Work last week. We patched, painted, trimmed, and planted all sorts of things. I think you will learn a great deal about us that our reward for all of our accomplishments was that we performed the necessary maintenance to get our Compost Tea Brewer started for the season! That was the carrot we held out for ourselves!

We actually really enjoy our Week of Work and have decided to make it a seasonal event as opposed to semi-annual or annual.

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Mom and I are having lunch today with one of the caregivers who made my dad’s last months as care-filled, dignity-restoring and loving as possible. During dad’s long Alzheimer’s journey, we encountered and were aided and supported by so many angels! As important as it is to be an angel to someone in need, is to be aware of the angels around us.

“I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me in our darkest hours, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give, to guide us with a light of love.”

Helen Keller

The How’s and Why’s of Composting

And using eggshells in your garden

All my knit washcloth patterns in one place!

Strawberries in green/blue cartons

Got Strawberries? Check out this recipe for Strawberry Puree, or this recipe for Strawberry Curd or this recipe for Strawberry Tartlets. Or how about whipping up a couple of jars of Strawberry Rhubarb Jam, some to keep and some to give!

Graduation Gift Ideas

Three times over the past year we were the recipients of Spoonfuls of Comfort care packages from friends and family who live out of town and I have to take a minute to rave about them. When distance prevents you from bringing a nourishing meal to a family who is grieving, moving, or welcoming a new baby, these care packages are a great option. The soups, rolls, and cookies were absolutely delicious and tasted homemade. An added perk was the charming soup ladle and packaging. All in all, we highly recommend them.

This list of 50+ Household Chores that take 15-minutes or less really does come in handy when I am waiting for water to boil or for someone to arrive. I can quickly tick off some of the chores that keep my home running smoothly.

Wishing you a week of love, light and Angels!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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