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Monday Musings, June 29

One week from today, we will be packing up our oldest fledgeling and moving her 500 miles away to start Medical School. This will be an interesting exercise given our current ‘situation’, but we are preparing well!

While I am so ready for our quarancation to end and for life to get back to ‘new’ normal, I have to say that a silver lining has been that we have had both kids under our roof for the past 2 months. Its been fun watching our daughter plan for her new space and helping her bring her plans to fruition.

One of her wishes for her new apartment, which is in a colder clime, was a big, cozy, snuggly blanket. She has convinced herself that, since she is now responsible for her energy bills, she will not be turning the heat on this winter…we’ll see how long that lasts. ?

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Anyway, she picked out a cozy chenille and asked me to knit a blanket for her. This chunky knit blanket pattern that uses the broken rib stitch was the end product! If you are looking for a quick knit then this is it! From start to finish it took a week of knitting for a couple of hours each evening. And it has the added plus of machine-washable yarn! Mic drop!

On a related note, check out this post if you want to resize your blankets, throws, or washcloths.

Depending on where you live, you may still have to settle in for a bit longer. If you are starting to get cabin fever, having a few projects can help you stay occupied.

My mom has decided that her ‘coming out’ party will be this Saturday to join us for a socially distanced 4th of July dinner. Our feast will be rather traditional with hamburgers (with this burger seasoning), mom’s baked beans, and deviled eggs!

Looking for some Red, White, and Blue Desserts? Check out these Sparkler Cookies and these Red, White & Blue Popsicles.

Red, white and blue star cookies.

What’s on your nightstand? I just finished two lovely reads…A Man Called Ove and Last Christmas in Paris. I loved everything about A Man Called Ove…especially Backman’s way with words which is just charming. Last Christmas in Paris is an epistolary novel (a term I was previously unaware of but which means a novel written in letters) set during WWI and which I ended up enjoying much more than I thought I would.

Well, my friends, for those of you in the U.S., I hope you and your family are able to celebrate together this weekend. It is strange times, indeed; but I am confident we will weather this storm.

Many, many hugs,

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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