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News from the nest, February 5

What’s up, Buttercup?

What’s the word Hummingbird?

What’s cooking, good-looking?

What’s the deal, big wheel?

What’s shakin’ bacon?

What’s the story, Morning Glory?

Morning Glory

All this to say, “Hi! I hope all is good in your world!”

There’s nothing like watching the Grammys to make you realize just how old you are, right? Terry and I found ourselves googling 75% of the names of the artists up for awards! You too? Phew…I don’t feel so bad!

Newsletter Length Survey Results

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart to all of you who took the time to answer the survey in last week’s newsletter. Your feedback is truly invaluable. And to be honest, I was a little surprised at the results!

I had been agonizing for some time over how long these newsletters were becoming, but it seems that angst (as angst often is) was unnecessary!

So, here’s a quick breakdown:

83% of you told me to “Keep everything as is! Once a week and with as many topics as are typically included.

56% of you like the new table of contents format while 37% would not use it, instead preferring to browse through all the topics. And, because we strive to make everyone happy here on N+N, the table of contents is purely optional! Use it if you want or scroll through all the topics if you want!

New on the Blog

This Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup is what you want to come home to after a busy day! The recipe includes tips for making it ahead of time and storing it, as well. I like this soup nice and thick, like stick to your ribs thick, while my mom would prefer it a little thinner, with a few potato chunks floating around. Make this soup to your preference!

This post on The Psychology of Decluttering may help you understand and clear some of the roadblocks that prevent you from successfully ridding your home of clutter.

From the Knit Studio

  • This washcloth pattern uses the daisy stitch, which to me, is an easier version of the lotus flower stitch.  If you’ve never done a daisy stitch knitting pattern, the key is to not knit too tightly. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a fun stitch to knit…and the fabric it creates is really quite lovely.
Beige daisy stitch washcloths in a wire mesh basket.
  • The applied i-cord is a great way to finish the edge of blankets, washcloths, dishcloths, towels, throws, you name it! This step-by-step tutorial with a video will help you learn this easy stitch technique.
applied icord on washcloth.

From the Kitchen

Well, we have the Superbowl and Valentine’s Day back to back this year!

🏈 If you will be hosting friends or family, or just want something yummy for yourself for the football game, here are a few ideas:

  • You just can’t beat a layered taco dip! Not only is it universally enjoyed, but it can be made ahead of time.
Overhead view of layered taco dip on a brown rattan charger.
  • This Gorgonzola Cheese Spread! When I make it, it disappears lightning fast! I made a double recipe over the holidays and ended up making it a third time in over one week. My nephew is particularly addicted to it and requested the recipe so he can make it at home!
Chive Gorgonzola Cheese Spread in a jar with crackers.
  • This crockpot turkey chili recipe is the perfect ‘set and forget’ meal. Whether it’s a game day, a ski day, a busy day, or just a cold night, this ground turkey chili will be a welcome meal come dinner time. A few minutes of prep time in the morning will yield a big batch of healthy and hearty turkey chili for dinner. Both crockpot and stovetop instructions are provided.
A red bowl of Turkey Chili
  • Short on chili powder for your turkey chili or any chili? Not to fear. I seem to use chili seasoning frequently, so I finally decided I needed to start making it on my own! Here’s my Chili Seasoning recipe.
A jar of Smoky Chili Seasoning Recipe in a jar with chiles alongside.

❤️Now, let’s switch tacks and talk about sweets for your sweets!❤️

  • This Chocolate Truffles recipe gives three alternatives for the filling flavoring; raspberry, espresso, and orange.
  • It doesn’t get much easier than this chocolate bark. Pump up the Valentine’s Day appeal with heart-shaped chocolate bark! There are also some free printables for gifting your treats in this post.
Valentine's Day Chocolate Bark on a white plate with gift boxes.
  • Grab a package of Oreos, some melting wafers, and heart sprinkles and you can quickly make chocolate-covered Oreos to give to your favorite Valentines. Dipping them in chocolate just elevates an already yummy Oreo to something beyond special.
Chocolate Covered Oreos with sprinkles.

From The Arts + Crafts Room

  • This console table was my very first ‘furniture build.’ I use that term loosely as I bought the legs, which are just about everything on this console table. That said, this is a handy piece of furniture that serves a purpose and of which, I am very proud! I share the step-by-step of how we made this console table here.
Console in hallway.

In The Garden

  • It may be just a tad too chilly to work in the garden where you are, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be working behind the scenes. I coated a terra cotta saucer with water-impervious glaze for this super simple bird bath.
DIY Bird Bath with Waterproof Terra Cotta Story
  • Use the ‘off-season’ to get organized with your garden maintenance. With this handy chart, you can keep track of what needs to be trimmed when, and what needs to be fertilized with what and when!
Green and white garden gloves with hand trimmers and two sheets of paper, one detailing daily, weekly and seasonal garden maintenance, and the other details the fertilization and pruning needs of your plants.

In The Home

  • Last week I shared 49 Household Tasks that can be completed in 15 minutes or less. This week, I’m sharing 50 more tasks that can be completed in 15 minutes or less. These are handy ideas for when you find yourself waiting for water to boil or the repairman to show up and you want to put those few minutes to good use!
collage with list, image showing cleaning vents, cleaning makeup brush and stuff to go to Goodwill

A Few Fun Finds

Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site, but the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.

  • I’ve mentioned Spoonful of Comfort in the past. If someone you know is under the weather, but they are too far away for you to drive it over, Spoonful of Comfort is your answer. All their soups are great, but the Tomato Basil is our favorite.
  • Are you or do you know a night-time reader? This small but mighty reading light is USB-chargeable.
  • There are so many uses for these magnetic cable ties! Keep kitchen appliance cords neat & out of sight, as well as hair styling utensils. They can easily corral a pad of paper and then stick it to a metal surface.
  • I bought a pair of these for my craft room, then realized they would be helpful in my laundry room, so I bought another pair, then I bought 6 more because they organized my stuff so well in my craft room! So yes, I now own 10 of them!
  • Kathy used water bottle holders to organize her yarn! Brilliant!
yarn in bottle organizer

Did You Miss Last Week’s Newsletter?

Never fear, you can pop over and see it here.

Food for Thought from the late Nora Ephron

Before I go, I want to summarize an article about Nora Ephron’s rules for surviving middle age; “Gather friends and feed them, laugh in the face of calamity, and cut out all the things —people, jobs, body parts—that no longer serve you.”

I mean, those are pretty good rules for any stage of life! What are your thoughts?

Well friends, I’m off to conquer the world (or at least my to-do list, which will make me feel like I conquered the world)

Many Hugs,

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Just wanted to tell you thanks for the P-nut Butter Soup recipe!
    My husband was doubtful about it, even told his sister who’s response was “Why?”.
    Happy to say we really enjoyed it! When my sister in law called to see how it was it got rave reviews from Mr. Skeptic!
    I look forward to serving it to company in the future.

    1. Hi Chris,

      I’m so tickled that you soldiered through despite the skepticism! I was met with the same ‘Peanut Butter What?’ look from Terry, but it is now one of our favorite soups.
      Can’t wait to hear what your SIL thinks!

      Thanks so much for sharing the comment.

      Hugs, Lynn

  2. Lynn,
    Your idea about the diy bird bath inspired me to try and fix mine to be more accessible to birds. Mine is glazed ceramic and the birds never use it. My husband thought it might be because the finish is too slippery. I checked with Rustoleum to see if they have a product that might add texture. I was told that they don’t have ANY products that are approved for use in a bird bath or have been approved as animal safe. I just thought you should know. I’m sure you don’t want to be poisoning your robins and chickadees.

    1. Oh geez…thanks Laura. When I chatted with someone from Rustoleum, they told me that when it cured they believed it would be safe for birds! Now I’m not sure what to believe. ARGH!

  3. I made the apple loaf and loved it. After chomping down at least 3 slices, I decided to divide and wrap it into 3 parts and put it in a freezer container. I made the peanut butter soup and it is now one of my favourites. Of course, my English friends are horrified! Also made the Split Pea recipe which is the same as mine minus 2 cups of diced rutabaga and a large diced potato but that is not for a crock pot so I’ll replace mine with yours. I’ll try the leek soup next. Now I couldn’t download and print the Truffles though I hit the print button. Will try again

    1. Good Morning Astrid!

      Wow! What a lovely message. Thank you! I love hearing that folks enjoy these recipes as much as we do.

      You were wise to stash some of that apple bread, it will disappear quickly!

      And that’s funny aobut the Peanut Butter Soup and your English friends! Are you in the U.K. or Europe? In all honesty, I don’t know anyone who isn’t a bit skeptical when first hearing of the soup. But, boy, it is delicious, isn’t it?

      And that Split Pea soup is just so comforting, isn’t it. I wouldn’t have thought ot add a rutabaga, though I know that adding potatoes is quite typical.

      I’ll email you the truffles recipe, I’m not sure why it didn’t download and print.

      Thanks so much for commenting! It means the world to me.

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