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News from the Nest, September 19

Good Morning, friends.

This is a busy week in the world!

Of course, saying goodbye to Queen Elizabeth tops the list. She weathered much, learned from it, and responded with grace and without drama. The world would benefit from more leaders with those qualities.

Here in the United States, tomorrow is Voter Registration Day (September 20). In all honesty, a very important day to note.

Wednesday, a less important but more delicious day to celebrate, is National Pecan Cookie Day!! You still have time to invite all your friends and family to come over and enjoy your homemade Pecan Sandies! Or…hear me out…bake the Pecan Sandies but don’t let anyone know! I won’t tell if you don’t!

And Thursday is a day I’ve been looking forward to since the beginning of summer; it’s the first day of fall! 🍁 I know it isn’t a good thing to wish time away. And I really don’t have anything against summer per se, but the heat and humidity accompanying it are on the list of my least favorite things. But I just checked the weather forecast, and it’s like summer is blowing me a big fat slobbery raspberry as the temperatures for the first day of fall will be 91° (33°C) here in southeast North Carolina!

Our friends in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating the first day of spring on Thursday!

new on the blog

  • Enjoy fall’s apple bounty by making some spiced sugar-free apple butter. This post discusses making the apple butter on the stovetop or in a slow cooker/crockpot. We also tackle the different consistency of your apple butter based on whether you use a food mill, food processor, blender, or immersion blender. And lastly, directions to water bath can your apple butter or freeze it! I mean, this really is the definitive apple butter guide! 😉
silky smooth sugar free apple butter
  • If you are wondering what to do with all that apple butter you make, let me introduce you to the Apple Butter Oatmeal Bar! Not only are they so very easy and quick to make, but they are a little bite of fall. And I’d argue that they are the perfect dessert, mid-afternoon snack, or breakfast treat.
Apple butter bars cut into squares.

are you curious about what everyone else is viewing on the blog?

Here are the top ten posts viewed over the past seven days. We are an Apple Bread-Loving, Margarita-drinking, Knitting, Pickling, Dog-loving group!

Apple spice bread with a bowl of apples in the background.

bits and bobs

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Knit Zippered Bag.

Well friends, make it a great day!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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