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News from the Nest, June 10

Good Morning, Glories!

I hope this finds you well! We are starting this week after having enjoyed a lovely weekend.

But…sad news on the garden front: We returned home from Columbus last week to find that the deer had decimated our vegetable garden! They ate every leaf of our zucchini plants and cucumbers! But it gets better…because then they moved to the beans and ate them to the ground, and then the tomatoes, which they heavily pruned!

And, as we worked in the garden this weekend to try to figure out how to salvage what was left of the zucchini and cukes, we found that those d#@mned squash vine borers picked up where the deer left off on the zucchini. I think the cucumbers and tomatoes will recover, but our zucchini days are well and truly over. Gardening is truly equal parts heartbreak and satisfaction. Not only am I heartbroken for my garden and my plans for all the produce, but it concerns me that the deer are so hungry that they are eating those prickly leaves on the cukes and zucchini!

I am all ears for any suggestions. I believe in the Bobbex Deer Repellent for my hydrangeas and other flowering plants, but the instructions specifically state that you shouldn’t use it on edibles. I shaved a bar of Irish Spring before we left town and sprinkled it around the beds, but that didn’t work. We put up bird/deer netting around what they left this weekend.

Here’s a shocking fact: If you are in the U.S., we will be celebrating the 4th of July in just over three weeks! What the heck? My mind is spinning with that little bit of knowledge. And just a reminder that Father’s Day is this Sunday, so plan accordingly for those special dads or dad figures in your world.

Elsa Update

She’s really doing so well! Well, other than the fact that last week, when I let her on the sofa to snuggle with me, she stood up and urinated on my sofa! Yeah, other than that, she’s doing great! Luckily, I discovered I could machine wash all the covers on my sofa, so that was a good thing!

O.K., I feel dumb saying this, but man…having a puppy is a LOT of work and tending this puppy is really all I do now! We quickly realized that she NEEDS to play with other dogs more than any other dog we have ever had, so my days revolve around her playdates! She is a much better-behaved pup when she can get that out of her system. Other than the unfortunate sofa incident, she’s basically potty trained…(she says, under her breath, with every finger crossed!)

New on the Blog

  • For all you patient crocheters out there, I hear you! I have added a content creator who is a savvy crocheter to help me produce patterns for you! Tawnie is the creator behind the Crochet Bookmarks we published several weeks ago and this Sunburst Crochet Dishcloth pattern!
Two Starburst Crochet Dishcloths.
Loaf of bread on a garter stitch trivet.

From the Kitchen

Baked beans in white baking dish
  • And hands-down, this is his favorite dessert…always has been and always will be! This Brownie Sundae Recipe takes it further by adding toffee chips to the brownie and ice cream, and then a hefty drizzle of caramel syrup over the whole kit and kaboodle!
Brownie Sundae with Toffee Bits and Caramel Sauce
Adding a cube of ginger lemon tea to a cup of water.
  • If the deer (or birds, or worms) haven’t stymied your tomato production, set some aside to make this Smoky Tomato Jam. A true treat that you will savor, as will anyone you give a jar to.
tomato jam with cracker.

From the Arts + Crafts Studio

Woman wearing neck wrap
  • Given my luck with my vegetable garden, I may just stick to indoor gardens! This tabletop garden has been going strong for several years and neither the deer nor the rabbits have found it!
A crystal bowl with orchids and ferns.
  • I added these pot feet to the aforementioned tabletop garden to avoid rings on my furniture. Super easy to make and very handy. I now have them on the bottom of all my indoor pots that sit on wood furniture.
Gold Pot feet on glass bowl.

In the Home

Apple painting on hutch with white dishes
  • Hands-down, the handiest, most referred-to piece of paper in my kitchen! This free Measuring Equivalents Chart download is taped to the inside of my kitchen cabinet and details measuring conversions for ounces, cups, teaspoons,and tablespoons! Makes dividing or multiplying recipes a breeze.
Watercolor lemon with measuring equivalents

A Few Favorites and Fun Finds

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Well, I don’t know if you remember that several weeks back I took the week off to finally finish our guest bathroom and then I had that unfortunate tumble from the ladder. Well, I’ve been chipping away at it and this past week, I got back on the ladder and finished painting the trim! Yay me! This week I will finish sewing the shower curtain and hang pics and it will be done! Hallelujah!

Have a great week! Take care of yourself and those you love.

Until next week,

Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. Hi Lynn,

    I sympathize with you on the deer vs. garden delima! After watching my first garden in Palmer, Alaska go into the bellies of two hungry moose, my husband and I decided that a fenced-in garden was our only option. My idea of a pretty English garden style fence wouldn’t have worked, we had to build strong and tall. (6’5″!) It’s not pretty, but it works. It also keeps our chickens, (the goblins!) out. Chickens can devastate an entire garden in one day.

    1. Hi Marcy,

      Well, I guess I should be thankful I don’t have chickens too! I’m pretty sure we have decided that we will be putting up a fence before next spring. We work too hard on our vegetable and flower garden to donate it the deer.

      Thanks for writing in!


  2. Book recommendation-since you liked Lisa Wingate’s ‘Before We Were Yours’, I thoroughly enjoyed her book, ‘Tending Roses’.

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