News From the Nest, January 17
Good Morning, friends!
We had a cold, windy, rainy day yesterday, and it was blissful! We had the fire going and a pot of chili on the stove; days like that make up for all the sunny, crystal clear days that I have to endure! 😂🤣
Just don’t ask me about that leak around the chimney! 🙄
- This is the week I am going to tackle some of those bothersome tasks I’ve been putting off for too long. I have several piles that need my attention; suits of my dad’s that I need to donate, sweaters that my brother sent me to mend, discards that need to go to Goodwill…you know, stuff like that. I am gathering them all together and setting a day to toss some in my car to take where they need to go and a day to sit down and tackle the at-home tasks.
- Take a scroll through some of your favorite main dish recipes and chances are good you’ll find the ubiquitous 🍅 tomato sauce included as one of the ingredients. But what to do when the designated ‘tomato sauce’ spot in the pantry is empty, but that ingredient is listed in the recipe you are preparing for dinner? Barring an unplanned and inconvenient dash to the grocery, you need to find a way to substitute for tomato sauce.
This list of 14 tomato sauce substitutes tells you what is in each one of the substitutes and how to make them work in your recipe.
- But, what if you have a tomato allergy or can’t eat them for any number of health reasons? I’ve got you covered there too with this copycat Nomato Sauce Recipe!
- I am so pleased with this Heel Balm ‘recipe’. Not only are the ingredients softening my dry heels, but the applicator makes it easy to apply without getting it all over my hands. If you still have some of the ingredients from making the hand balm, all you need to get are the applicators. These Moisturizing Heel Balm tubes make great gifts for your gal pals…think Galentine’s Day, part of Mother’s Day spa package, the gifting opportunities are endless!
- If, like me, you are using the month of January to clean out and eat down your freezer and refrigerator, consider using the bits and bobs of cheese you find to make Fromage Fort, the world’s easiest, cheapest and tasty appetizer that also helps clean out your fridge/freezer. How many appetizers can say that?
- Common Knit Errors and how to fix them.
- Speaking of knitting, this email greeted me this morning. Notes like this make my day!
Oh Lynn, thank you very much for this pattern!! I cast on last night and enjoyed it so much I just finished it tonight. Getting ready to start the next one now. To keep track of which row, I simply write little columns of 1,2,3,4 and then cross off finished row. Long time knitter!! I am using an organic cotton worsted from Knit Picks that I had in my stash. Found you through Pinterest, so happy I did!
Knit on!
Thanks Ruthie! 💗
- If you are following along with the Six-Week Declutter Challenge, we are on week three where we tackle the clutter in our Den/Family Rooms and Linen Closet. This time the checklist includes 24 items commonly found in those family living areas and linen closets that you can most likely discard and won’t miss! At the end of 6 weeks, you will have checklists of more than 100 items that you can toss and won’t even miss! Think of it as a Decluttering Scavenger Hunt! Print off your Declutter Your Home Checklist for the Den and Linen Closet and let’s get busy.
- It’s a great time of year to make and can homemade and nourishing Chicken Stock. I like knowing EXACTLY what is and what isn’t in my stocks and broths.
- Need some great tips to reduce and stop food waste?
- I can’t close today without remembering Martin Luther King, Jr and some of his beautiful words.
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Have a wonderful day and an even better week, my friends!
I’ll be back next week with more great stuff.