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News from the Nest, May 27

Good Morning, Friends

Here in the U.S., we are taking a break from the day-to-day busyness of our lives to stop and remember those who have lost their lives defending our country and its values. Many other countries honor their fallen similarly, from Remembrance Day in the U.K. and Canada to Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand, and Yom Hazikaron in Israel.

Poppies are the floral symbol of Memorial Day, though not as ubiquitous as in the Commonwealth countries. The poppy tradition is based on this poem by Canadian Dr. Lt. Col. John McCrae, following the Battle of Ypres during World War I.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Poppies in a field.

We head out of town tomorrow for the next seven days. We are going to Columbus, Ohio to attend the high school graduation festivities for our niece, and to spend a little time with family. Of course, Elsa is going with us! It’s a ten-hour drive, but we’ve decided we will just take it easy and travel as much as we can before stopping for a bit or for the night. All that said, I hope to get the newsletter out next week, but I just don’t know what to expect!

Quick Elsa update: She weighs 30 lbs and is just a bundle of fun! She knows ‘sit,’ ‘down,’ ‘stay,’ ‘leave it,’ and ‘come.’ For whatever reason, ‘shake’ is giving her all sorts of troubles. She is *mostly* 🤞🏼potty-trained and is starting to lose teeth (HALLELUJAH!) More than any dog we’ve ever had, she really needs to play hard, and if she doesn’t get time with another dog, we become her preferred victims. To that end, I spend a lot of time shuttling her to playdates! It’s like having a child again!

New on the Blog

Summer picnics and barbecues are the perfect time to enjoy refreshing, fruity beverages, and this Watermelon Vodka Cocktail is just the thing to quench your thirst. This yummy beverage is quickly prepared by the glass or the pitcher.

Watermelon Vodka Cocktail

From the Knit + Crochet Studio

  • Simple knit and purl stitches result in a reversible washcloth…and you know I love my reversible knits! The simple stitches of this Waffle Stitch Washcloth also make it a great project for new knitters looking for ways to stretch beyond stockinette.
waffle knit washcloths
  • This knit purse pattern was a first for me! After years of knitting washcloths and towels, I decided to try my hand and something new. It was a fun change and I plan to expand my knit or crochet my purse and handbag repertoire.
Knit purse with glasses and keys sticking out.

From the Kitchen

Spices used to make Old Bay Seasoning.
  • Let chuck roast slowly simmer in garlic, onion, Worcestershire, and soy sauce for the day, and you’ll have the best fork-tender, pull-apart beef for sandwiches, enchilada or burrito filling, and more. Add this Slow Cooker Pulled Beef recipe to your recipe stash; it will be one you return to repeatedly.
A sandwich sitting on a wooden plate with a jar of barbecue sauce.
  • Make your own barbecue sauce! Simple ingredients combine easily to make this slightly tangy and mildly sweet homemade sauce. This homemade barbecue sauce recipe is a great basic recipe that you can alter to suit your tastes.
BBq sauce in a jar with a wooden spoon.
  • Simple sugar cookies become something special with colored icing and a simple, but fun, icing technique. Add these red, white, and blue sugar cookies to your picnic menu!
Fourth of July Sugar Cookies

From the Craft Room

Figuring out how to make flexible medallions and how to get the best ‘faux’ concrete look was a good, creative challenge for me. And, I love the end result…so a ‘win’ there too! So, let’s dive into the details for this DIY Faux Concrete Planter with flexible medallions! And no, I don’t need a new terra cotta pot! To me, they are infinitely better when they are all chipped up!

faux concrete planter
  • With miter-edged corners and a crochet edge, these easy to make napkins are perfect gifts…but you will most likely want to fill your own napkin drawer! Making the mitre-edge is easier than you think, and I walk you through the process.
A stack of easy to make napkins with mitred-corners and crochet edge.

In the Garden

  • Over the past thirty days, twenty-four thousand people have come to the blog for this natural, less-toxic, homemade weed killer recipe! It’s the ‘recipe’ I use to control weeds in my yard, and I will never return to the more harmful commercial products.
Weeds before being sprayed with homemade weed killer and after.
ground up eggshells

In The Home

Last year, I rearranged our living room bookshelves because the previous arrangement didn’t feel right. I consulted a decorator friend for tips on how to decorate bookshelves and here’s what she shared.

Bookshelves after employing decorating tips.
  • Now’s a good time to clean your closet and take measures to prevent moth holes when you pull your favorite sweaters out in the fall.
moth holes in sweater

Books Read Thus Far in 2024

I’ve updated my list of books read thus far in 2024. I also added a ‘books listened to’ section as I continue working through all of the Charles Dickens books on Audible. 

Remember, the book list is always on Nourish and Nestle’s home page. It’s in the second big bluish-greenish box down from the top.

a stack of books.

Some Fun Finds and a Few Favorites

Some of these links may be Amazon affiliate links, and I may earn a small commission from the sale of these products to help defray the costs of operating this site. However, the price you are charged is not affected. You can see my full disclosure policy here.

Well friends, I’m off to bake some bread that I promised to bring to my brother in Ohio. This d@#mned knee of mine makes everything take twice as long as it should. I fully admit I am a lousy patient, I’m so ready to be fully mobile again.

I hope this week brings you everything you need!


Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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    1. Hi Lane,

      Thanks for your kind words! I enjoy what I do, but also love receiving comments like yours! Thanks for taking the time. We are enjoying our visit very much!

      Hugs, Lynn

  1. Thanks again for making another Monday morning enjoyable!
    I am looking forward to trying the pulled pork, which sounds wonderful. The reversible cloth also presents a new challenge.
    Hope your knee is on the mend! Travel safely😁

    1. Hi Mari,

      And thank you for your kind comments! Your comments always bring a smile to my face.

      I do hope you enjoy the pulled beef recipe! It is really so simple…just let the crockpot do the work.

      And I’m thrilled to report that my knee is definitely on the mend! I was getting ready to call the Ortho back for another visit, but it seems I finally turned the corner. I can pretty much walk without limping now.



  2. Hi Lynn..I would imagine Elsa would be just like having another toddler around..she is growing very fast! In Canada, our Remembrance Day is November 11th. If you can believe it, I have visited Flanders Fields in Belgium. Plus, many of the landing beaches in Normandy! My husband and I actually lived in Normandy for a while in the early 90’s and travelled all over. I also can remember the smell of moth balls in an old trunk when I was a little girl. I didn’t know moth holes were still a thing. I have holes in the front ( around the waist level) of almost every single shirt I own. ( you’d think I had moths!) However, mine are from me leaning against my kitchen counter and I guess because I’m only 4’11”, my waist hits right where all the drawer and cabinet pulls are. It’s quite annoying. So, I try to remember to put my apron on when I’m working in there..

    1. Hi Colleen,

      Having a puppy is much like a toddler, with teeth, who is fully mobile and doesn’t wear diapers! 🥺 She is growing fast and is getting better behaved each day! We just adore her.

      How lovely that you have been able to visit Flanders Field! We’ve been to Normandy and its beaches twice…what a truly breathtaking experience. Gorgeous and heartbreaking all at the same time.

      And how lucky that you haven’t been the victim of moths and their holes! I think it is hilarious that you have holes from leaning against the counter! I don’t have a way to prevent those! 😁 But, if your holes are in your sweaters, you could use the technique I show for repairing moth holes! And we’d make quite a pair! I’m almost 5’11”!

      Thanks so much for writing in and sharing your memories, Colleen! It is always good to hear from you.

      Hugs, Lynn

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