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Monday Musings, September 21

Good Morning, Glories!

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Oh, how I needed this crisper air and these cooler temperatures! The changing seasons always recharge me, but this year it seems that I really needed the recharge. I feel I am coming out of the slump that plagued me these past several months and have a renewed energy for projects and activity.

One of my favorite projects this year was these test tube vases that we made for our daughter’s new apartment. We really jumped in with both feet and decided we would figure it out as we went along. My grandmother had a word for that…’hoodly fudly.’ Anyway, I tickled to report that the vases turned out so great!

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My brother, who has been in online retail for most of his career, just warned me that merchants are expecting shipping times this holiday to slow dramatically. He suggested we plan for 3-4 weeks for packages to arrive…plan accordingly!

I am just smitten with these felt wreaths.

Let’s talk about handmade gifts. If you are making gifts for friends, neighbors and family this year, it is time to start making a plan. Make a list of everyone you would like to present with your handiwork and what you plan to give them. Here are some suggestions:

While I won’t be making it, I already sent the link to this circular knitting needle case to my husband for a gift idea. I do enjoy working with Circular Knitting Needles, but man, are they messy to store. Excited to get mine organized.

I made this hearty beef soup 2 weeks ago and we have enjoyed it twice, it is perfect for these cooler nights. I make alot of it and then store it in the freezer.

We are this 👌🏼 close to being done with that outdoor table that we thought was teak but isn’t. If I work on it a couple of hours each day this week, it’ll be done by the weekend. Which reminds me of how important it is to break our larger tasks down into smaller, bite-sized pieces. And not for nothing, when I write ‘work on table for 1 hour’ on my to-do list, I get the satisfaction of crossing it off each day versus ‘finish table’.

In closing, I want to thank each of you for ‘tuning in’ for our weekly musings. You make this wee job of mine possible.



Signature of Lynn

Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. I have made the snickerdoodle bars twice and absolutely LOVE the bars. I will be making them quite often as grandchildren are asking for the bars. Thanks for sharing. This recipe is a keeper!! Blessings, Pat

    1. Oh Pat, I am just tickled to hear that! I do have to agree, they are delicious and really easy to make. My son loves them as well, so I make them whenever we visit him.

      Have a fantastic day, my friend. And thanks so much for taking the time to share your review! Means the world to me.



  2. Hi Lynn – wanted to let you know, I had a lot of buckwheat and lavender leftover from making heat wraps, so decided to use up some odd material and made some lavender eye pillows for those ‘nanna-naps’! They have the insert and cover for washing. I think they will make great stocking stuffers for Christmas! It’s also a fantastic way to use up those material scraps. I wish I could show you a photo! Cheers, Kathryn

    1. Hi Kathryn,

      What a brilliant idea! I am going to add that to the post, giving credit to you of course! I’d love to see a photo, if you get a chance.

      Thanks so much for sharing, my friend.



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