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News from Nest, October 25

Good Morning, my friends.

It is a dark and dreary Monday morning, and I love it! I mean, I do love sunny days, don’t get me wrong. Sunny days are energizing, but I find dark and dreary days very cozy! It’s like Mother Nature is encouraging me to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book. I will put something in the crockpot to simmer away all day…now if only there was a snowstorm, it’d be bliss!

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Speaking of books, what are you reading these days?

  • I’ve had a good run lately with my book selections There’s nothing too deep on this list, but all very entertaining. . The Dream Lover, an historical fiction, shared the story of author George Sand and 19th century Paris. The Swans of Fifth Avenue was a fun escape, but also a glimpse into an era and society of which I knew nothing. It is a historical fiction detailing the relationship between Truman Capote and some of the movers & shakers in 1950’s New York society. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was a fun story of a fictional 1950s Hollywood starlet and her one true love. The Push was an unsettling read, but was also a compelling draw for me. I hesitate to say that Ordinary Grace took us back to a simpler time, 1960s Minnesota, because of the sad events of the story, but there is something simple and lovely about the book. Maybe it was the author’s style of writing, but I very much enjoyed it.
  • The Winner of the ‘if you knit, you know’ zippered pouch was Heather B! I sent an email this morning with what to do next. Thanks, everyone for entering. I’ll be doing another drawing next month.
  • One month from today will be Thanksgiving week! Yikes. I am seriously thinking of going with an assortment of mini pies this year for a variety of reasons. Without a doubt, these Mini Pecan Pies will make the cut as they are a unanimous family favorite. You can make the parts ahead of time and assemble them at the last minute. But, you can also put them together completely, freeze and reheat as needed, which is what I’ve done. BTW…do you say ‘Pee-Can’, ‘Puh-Cahn’, or ‘Pee-Cahn’? It’s an ongoing debate in our home.
  • If you are looking for an easy and delicious treat that also makes welcomed gifts, try these Rosemary Walnuts. I make them with every intention of giving them as gifts, but have a hard time as Terry eats them the minute they come out of the oven.
  • Last night, my mom asked me for some new suggestions for Stocking Stuffers for Cooks. I would love for you to take a look at what I have thus far and give me some suggestions as I update this list. What are some of your favorite, stocking size, kitchen gadgets? I’m all about crowd-sourcing!
  • I am *this close* to publishing the pattern for this Christmas Tree Pillow pattern. If you want to be notified as soon as it published, click this link to be added to the ‘Let me Know as Soon As You Publish a Knit Pattern’ list.
White knit pillow against blue and white pillow.

If you want to learn how to knit or are looking to brush up on your knitting skills and knowledge, pop over to the How to Knit page, which houses all of the posts that teach knitting skills. Or, you could go ahead and visit each one by clicking the links below.

All About Knitting

Well, friends, it’s a lucky thing that this actually is getting published today! Since I started writing it, our smoke detector went off, which sends sweet Flora spiraling! The only way to get her to calm down is to take her outside while Terry fixes the alarm. So we went outside and stood in the drizzle while Terry fixed the alarm. But, Terry came to the door to tell me we didn’t have any more 9V batteries and could I run to the store real quick. But, as he stood with the door open, our indoor-only cat, Peep, decided it would be a good time to escape and check out this outside world…in the drizzle.

So, Terry, Flora and I chased Peep around the yard, in the drizzle, until she luckily decided maybe it wasn’t such a great day for exploring.

So, with Peep safely back in the house, Flora and I ran to the store to grab some batteries. We came home, Terry installed them and we returned to our work.

Until…the smoke alarm went off again! At which point we just took it out to deal with it later! Fingers crossed we don’t have a fire in the next hour!

Have a wonderful week, my friends, and I’ll see you next week.



Thanks for making my day by SHARING!!

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  1. How old is your smoke alarm? We found out ours must be replaced every 7 years and it kept beeping until we replaced it.

  2. Top of the morning to you, Lynn,

    I am writing to ask if perhaps you remember a post featuring a grey tote that made an excellent knitting carrier. I have tried searching for it at your Amazon store, but have not been able to find it. As I remember it was flat bottomed with some dividers that were for yarn.
    Many thanks for any help!
    Peggy C

  3. I so look forward to Mondays, when I know Nourish & Nestle will be in my inbox. So glad you persevered and got it out today.
    I saved the Mini Pecan (Puh-Cahn’)Pie recipe for next year. I broke my shoulder last week, so cooking and baking (and knitting!) are pretty much out for me this holiday season. My poor hubby just got a reprieve from doing all the cooking while I was undergoing cancer treatment. (I’m now cancer-free!!) Now he’s back to having to do it all again. Plus the laundry, which I was able to do throughout my treatments, but can’t do one-handed. 🙁 It’s been quite a year and a half!

    1. Oh Neila,

      You just made my day! Thanks so much for your kind words! I have a smile from ear to ear.

      And yes, it is absolutely Puh-Cahn! I don’t know where my kids learned Pee-Can…I think they do it just to bug me.

      Oh NO! A broken shoulder! Girl! How did you do that? My mom did that several years back and I know how painful it was. BUT, I do hope you are celebrating your Cancer-Free status! Hallelujah! Guess it puts a broken shoulder in perspective! And darn, there isn’t a whole lot you can do with a broken shoulder. What kind of movies and books do you like…I’ll try to send some suggestions.

      Take care of yourself.



  4. Greetings Lynne,
    I pronounce Pecan thusly: Pee-Cahn. Originally from Minnesota. I also say: Aunt, not Ant, like in the south. That always bugged me when we moved to FL. I now live in Washington state and as you can see Alaska would be better, as in “how far can I get from FL?”
    Just finished “This Tender Land” by the same author of the book you just read: “Ordinary Grace.” Now I will have to read that one as well.
    I learned from “This Tender Land” why there aren’t many, if any, Sioux Indians in Minnesota. I kind of wondered about it and that book related the story about how that came about. It wasn’t pretty, but I won’t ruin it for you if you choose to read “This Tender Land.” It was a very good read with a surprise ending. Can hardly wait to read “Ordinary Grace.”

    1. Hi Carol, Yay! A fellow proper English speaker! Someone else told me Pee-Can is what Truckers use! 😂 I was just looking at This Tender Land! I think I added it to my library queue, but I need to double check that.

      Have a wonderful day!



  5. Ugh, I hate when that happens! That happened to us last year, and it kept happening, even with changing the batteries, finally after a lot of questioning, we figured out that the entire units had expired! FYI! Make sure yours aren’t expired! Those mini pecan pies look amazing! And I am sorry about all of your running outside in the DRIZZLE!

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